The Family of Blood Pt3:

Start from the beginning

Astro started growling and Galaxy decided to put the Perception Filter on again as the Family approached them, best letting the Doctor have some time to stop them without her getting in the way.

The Family looked at her then tilted their heads and sniffed deeply before glaring at her which had her smirk. She'd tricked them again. Thanks to the Perception Filter, not only did they think she was human but they thought she smelt like one instead of smelling the Time Lady in her.

Her smirk did dim though when she saw the angry looks on their faces.


Astro pulled the head off the scarecrow he had pounced on before quickly going to deal with the next one, while Galaxy did her best to fend off against the rest.

When the Family found out she lured them to where she was they were not pleased. They ordered the scarecrows to deal with her before heading back to their ship. Astro had instantly gone to attack the scarecrows before they could get close to Galaxy but more and more just kept going.

Even with them both, they were overwhelmed and Galaxy didn't know scarecrows were able to pack quite a punch. Some had managed to grab her and lay blows on her and Astro hadn't been able to get to her yet.

She didn't care for her safety though, she just cared that the Doctor would get to the ship to stop the Family in time and she kept that hope as the pain dealt to her body was slowly becoming too much for her and darkness started to consume her.


Galaxy opened her eyes slightly when she felt someone nudging her slightly and saw it was Astro. He had managed to get to her and when an explosion went off earlier, it had the scarecrows fall and burst into flames and he did all he could to move her away from them and to the tree she was currently resting against.

He had taken the Perception Filter from her neck as well, knowing that the Doctor would sense her and know they were here and could get to them because he couldn't drag her all the way back to the others.


Galaxy opened her eyes more and smiled when the Doctor and Martha ran over to them, he had been surprised when he sensed her around but couldn't pinpoint her and when Martha told him she had rushed off he grew worried which only increased seeing the state of her.

"What happened?" He asked as he knelt beside her while Martha checked over her injuries. "I tricked them." Galaxy said as she coughed slightly and Astro gave him the Perception Filter he still had, "The entire time they thought I was human thanks to that, took it off then put it back on again."

"But what happened to you?" He asked, placing a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it. "They thought I was you, when they found out I wasn't, they were very angry." She said and the way she leaned more toward him showed him she was getting tired.

He sighed, hating that she had basically played bait for him and gotten hurt as a result. He carefully picked her up, smiling slightly as she snuggled against him and he placed a kiss on her head as he walked back to the Tardis with Martha and Astro.


Galaxy was standing outside the Tardis with Martha, she had only been able to do so after the Doctor left to go see Nurse Redfern.

He hadn't allowed her to move beyond the bed in the medbay until the Tardis had checked her and made sure she was okay and she was grateful toward the time machine when she made sure to not show any signs of her implants.

"You should be resting." The Doctor said to Galaxy as he walked up to them and she rolled her eyes. "I'm perfectly fine now, Doctor. Blue made sure." She told him. "How was she?" Martha asked. "Time we moved on." Was all he said. "If you want, I could go and..."

"Time we moved on." He repeated. He walked up to them and wrapped an arm around Galaxy, "And I never said thanks for looking after me." He said to Martha and they all hugged.

"Doctor, Martha, Miss Knight." Timothy called as he walked up to them. "Tim-Timothy-Timber." The Doctor greeted. "You can call me Galaxy now, Tim." Galaxy said, smiling at him. "I just wanted to say goodbye. And thank you, because I've seen the future and I now know what must be done. It's coming, isn't it? The biggest war ever."

"You don't have to fight." Martha said. "I think we do." He said. "You could get hurt." Galaxy said. "Well, so could you, travelling around with him. But it's not going to stop you." He said. "Tim, I'd be honoured if you'd take this." The Doctor said, tossing him the watch.

"I can't hear anything." He said, looking at it. "It's just a watch now." Galaxy told him, smiling. "Best keep it with you. For good luck." The Doctor added. "Look after yourself." Martha said, hugging him as did Galaxy.

"You'll like this bit." The Doctor said, winking as they got inside the Tardis and moments later it disappeared.

Galaxy worked on the controls, knowing where the Doctor would want to go next and she felt arms wrap around her from behind and she smiled as she leaned into them. "It couldn't have been easy seeing me human." The Doctor said quietly as he placed a kiss on the side of her head.

"Sometimes, but it felt like I was falling in love with you all over again." She told him as she looked at him with a smile and he smiled back and gave her a kiss.


A female vicar read to a group of old men, one very familiar in a wheelchair as he held a fob watch.

"'They mingle not with laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted...'"

Tim looked over to see Galaxy fixing a poppy to the Doctor's lapel while Martha waved as they all stood to the side watching the Remembrance Ceremony. He smiled and nodded to them as the vicar continued.

"'They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.'"

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