2. 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔱 𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱

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2. Freedom at Last


The horrible musky air was replaced by the fresh breeze of spring, she took the deepest inhale she had ever done and savoured the fresh air.

Naturally, she just assumed they were giving her a break before putting her back in T and I, she still wondered what the T was for. However, she appreciated the moment of freedom while it lasted.

Although much to her surprise she wasn't taken back to T and I but instead to the massive building in the Center back of the Village. But by the third flight of stairs she was about ready to pass out again. Inoichi, who was the one escorting her noticed this and picked her up.

She let out a squeak, both in shock and embarrassment, but she just kept her gaze away from the man who was chuckling softly.

More stairs, and more stairs and more stairs.

Ok, she knew the building looked big, but it wasn't that big, they must have gone up at least 10 flights of steps, and this guy just kept going as if he was waiting for something. Maybe she should say something... but she doesn't want to sound rude and land right back into her cell.


Ok but this has to have been the 14th flight of steps they've gone up.

Whatever, High risk, high reward, is that not the saying?

"Um.. m-mister... h-how many flights of steps a-are in this building?" She asked lowly, her head was down and her hands were fiddling with her dirty shirt.

Inoichi looked at her and studied her, she knew he was studying her and it was scary, after a while, she began to shake.

Dammit, she knew she should have just kept her mouth shut, stupid! Stupid! St-

"Four why?" He responded.

4.... 4! They must have gone up at least twice the amount how has this guy not noticed that?

Although he was calculating her, and as soon as confusion was clearly expressed on her face. Inoichi made a weird sign and suddenly the world dissolved around them.

She looked in awe as a door suddenly appeared in front of them.... what! Was anything real anymore, at this point Inoichi started to notice her inner crisis.

"Do you know what it was we were just in?" He asked.

She shook her head, hell no she has never seen that before, but that's a scary thought.

Entering the doors she saw an old man.... a really old man sitting behind the only desk in the room. Inoichi put her down as he probably knew that she couldn't and wouldn't try to escape.

She however slowly cowered behind Inoichi when she spotted the other man in the room... Yellow man. She knew Inoichi mentioned his name before but she couldn't remember that right now.

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