Chapter 1 i think im pregnant/The honeymoon flash backs

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Y/n P.O.V
Well we just got back from your honeymoon and You have been feeling sick all day and Tesla thinks You may have picked up a flu bug so You are going to the doctor just in case it's not so You will schedule the appointment for tomorrow morning.
(Time skip to after you finished setting up your doctors appointment.)
"Hey Nikola I'm think I'm going to head off to bed early."
"Ok well get some rest I will join you soon good night my love."
"Good night my king."

(Honeymoon flash back)
"So Mrs.Tesla what do you want to do today?"
"I don't know Mr.Tesla wanna go swimming?"
"Then let's go get ready."
You two start to get ready to go swimming.
(this is your guy's swim suits)

(this is your guy's swim suits)

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"Ok y/n are you ready to go?""Yes Nikola

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"Ok y/n are you ready to go?"
"Yes Nikola."
"Ok then let's go"
(End of flash back)
Y/n P.O.V (Know)
Ok it's time to wake up and get ready for my doctors appointment.
"Hey Nikola it's time to get up for work my love."
"Ok are you still not feeling good."
"Yes that's why I'm going to the doctors soon."
"Ok do you want me to go with you I think Henry will be ok."
"You can if you want."
"I really hope you are ok."
"I'll probably be ok I might just have the flu."
(Skip to after you two get ready.)
"Are you ready to go y/n."
"Yes honey."
"Ok then let's go."

(Honeymoon flashback.)
"So Nikola what's do you want to do today?"
"Hmmm let's see we have already gone swimming and hiking oh we haven't gone to the village yet I heard you're having a festival tonight would you like to go?"
" of course I would love to go honey when do we leave in 4 hours which gives us some time to get ready and do something before we go how about we swim and then get ready and go."
"Actually I have a better idea of spending your time."
"Ok what do you have in mind?"
You whisper in his ear and his cheeks turn red and then he smiles and agrees with you.
(Time skip to the festival)
So the festival it was a interesting post fall can you just let it go to your guises Favorite things wine and books.
You both had the best time of your lives and after 4 hours at the festival you both went back to your hotel and relaxing and read your new books while Tesla drank and read you had a cup of tea wile you read your book you too where leaving the next morning and you to where already packed up minus your new books and The outfit you were wearing after a while it was time for you both to get some rest because you both had a big day tomorrow with your trip home and all and plus what you both didn't know you were going to bring home a big surprise I would change both your lives forever.
(End of flash back)
Y/n and the doctors P.O.V
You told Tesla that he should say in the Waiting area while you check in and while you were being seen and you would update him when you got out.
"hello Mrs. Tesla what seems to be troubling you today?"
"Well sir I have been feeling nauseous Since this morning and as soon as I threw up I feel better."
"Ok that sounds interested I'm going to be running some test if that's ok?"
"Yes sir"
(Time skip to after the doctor gets your results back.)
"Ok your test came back you are ok but I think you would like to sit down."
"Ok what wrong is it bad?"
"Not at all unless you being pregnant is bad."
"Ok wait what."
"Ma'am your pregnant."
You start crying because you don't know how your husband is going to feel about it."
"So miss you should come in next week for your for sonogram to see baby."
"Ok thank you doctor."
You tell Tesla your ok and then you started to think about how your going to tell that he's going to be a father then you remember Father's Day is coming up and you could surprise him in a special way so that's what your going to do after you get back to the sanctuary you head to your room wile nikola heads to work and you fall asleep and hours later you are woken up by Tesla with some food for you you take it and you both hang and until you both fell asleep.

Authors now: Hi guys I'm so happy to be back it's been a while I've got a job so updates are even slower know but don't worry my books will be updated soon thank you and have a great day

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