Interlude 5

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Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Assassination Classroom do not belong to me, they belong to their respected owners. Thank you!

"Reborn is having me transfer."

Hayato was confused, and that wasn't normal. Sure, he looked like a delinquent and acted like a child who was try to act out and get his... parental guardians' attention, but he was smart and observant. There wasn't anything that he couldn't work out to understand or know instantly―but he was confused. He didn't understand why he felt like something has been ripped away and he was part of the reason it was.


"But why?"

"Like I said, it doesn't matter. Not anymore."

Tsuna turns and walks back to the door that was still open.


The short brunette stops before turning back to the confused group.

"Thank you for putting up with me. I wasn't planning on saying goodbye so soon, but I guess this happened for a reason." Tsuna smiles at the sky, "I know that Gokudera-san, Yamamoto-san, Chrome-san, Mukuro-san, Hibari-san, Ryohei-san, and Lambo-san were told to pretend to like me and to be my guardians. And I know that you like Ieyasu more; I'm okay with that."

Sawada Tsunayoshi is―was someone who he thought was weak, the very first glance he took of him. It angered him that someone so puny and idiotic was going to be the tenth Don of the most powerful mafia famiglia, he was going to become the Vongola Decimo. It wasn't fair that he―someone who longed to be apart of a famiglia and worked so hard being some member's henchman only to be denied because he was bastard―was going to be passed in power by someone who couldn't even find the slope on a graph.

Reborn had called him and ordered that he come and battle against his student. If he won, he would become Vongola's Don, but if he lost, he would become an underling of the wimp (as rule of the Underground―Hayato sincerely doubted that the idiot would win). Of course, it didn't take any persuasion to get him to get on a plane straight to Japan.

He kicked the kid's desk as hard as he could once he passed him, keeping a fierce glare on him once he sat down. The brunette trembled under his gaze, making Hayato mentally smirk. Skipping to the fight―it went unexpectedly. A leftover thought, he remembers, is that he should've perfected the attack that made him lose. Despite his insolence, Sawada ended up saving him (which was really surprising), and he reluctantly had to give him his respect.


Everyone looks at Tsuna with shock written all over their faces.

"Like I said to Hibari-san earlier, those memories, despite them being fake, still meant a lot to me," Tsuna smiles brilliantly and sorrowfully. "Sayonara."

And the petite brunette then goes back inside of the school, leaving behind the acceptance he had given the frozen group of teenagers.

Once Hayato met Sawada Ieyasu, he felt like everything was complete. Obviously, this was the person he was meant to follow. Sawada Ieyasu was perfect. He was so smart, so handsome, so kind, so amazing. Sawada Tsunayoshi could go jump off a cliff and he wouldn't mind; it would mean he could rightfully serve as Sawada Ieyasu's right-hand man.

Or so that's what he thought.


Tsunayoshi was so naive, so tiny and fragile, yet he always got up. Hayato didn't know why though. What what the point? The kid got beaten pretty much on a daily basis but he always got up.


When they went to the future―yes, they did all work together. Hayato cannot deny that fighting with and for Tsunayoshi was the only thing on his mind at the time. But once they got back, Ieyasu was the first thing/person he thought of. He left Tsunayoshi in the dust―didn't really think about the fact that the puny brunette had killed Byakuran, that he was currently facing his first kill. Killing someone else takes a lot out of a person, especially if the person had too much empathy for others. It breaks them down, makes their mentality unravel to the point where they're hysterically turning himself/herself in to the police or to the point of a terrible ending.


Suddenly, Tsunayoshi is leaving them. For some reason, he felt like he should run after him, bow down―beg for forgiveness―but he didn't. Instead, he stayed right where he was, look of disbelief stapled on to his face, as the (fragile, delicate, understanding, acceptingpleasecomebackiamsososorry) boy left after flashing a beautiful upturn of his lips.


He doesn't know why he felt that way, as well as why he didn't act on it. He just didn't understand how Tsunayoshi made him feel the way he did, why he felt so remorseful and regretful.
















(Why do I feel this way?)

2.5 pages · 810 words

So this is a thing now

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