Chapter 2

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Docs thoughts-"Monsters here! Wait that orc hahah isn't that the one that ma......

The doctors brief feeling of hope had been striped away as the orc's massive hand griped around the doctors throat with one hand the orc had lifted the doctor ho and the air and proceed to snap the neck of the doctor. The hideous snapping sound echoed through the halls this gained the attention of everyone even TOSHINORI.

Toshi looked at his kids before asking Inko to keep them safe he then stood up and soon steam engulfed the room the children panicked as there father left the room at top speed and then TOSHINORI yelled one word.


The once fairly buffed toshinori had transformed into his true form and with this form he was

The number one hero his blow had been a uppercut and has sent the orc flying allmight knew the blow would cause the least damage to the lower floor he was happy they were on the top floor because now he dosent have to worry about damages.

The number one leaped into the air and launched a mid air Detroit smash towards the orc the monster was sent flying but allmight couldn't stop he needed to keep his Famil.......


Before the orc could brag they soon found that allmight had fractured there spine with a close range smash allmight then used the orc as a surface so he could launch himself back at the hospital the thought of others in the building had just entered his mind and as such his panic had worsened!

Even though Toshinori was moving at incredible speeds of it felt like eternity for him the images of a dead version of his family flooded his mind he tried getting there faster but he wasn't fast enough by the time he plummeted next to the hospital he found that it was set a blaze his heart pounded as he attempted to enter the hospital.

-Izuku POV!-

FIRE THERES SO MUCH FIRE WERES MUMMY WHERE DADDY!!!!!! I run around the place avoiding fallings the fires so hot I'm scared we're is eve.........

Izumi - "IZU!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes it's Izumi I'm so happy I begin running to her voice but I'm stoped when I pass somthing he turn and then I cry what I saw was my mother but she wasn't her she was on fire and she looked....mum.....mum.....

Izuku's wrong.....??

(Izuku's voice was one of pure terror as he witnessed a burnt corpse of his mother running at him the corpse was mumbling one word!)

Inko-" EAT....,,.EAT.......EAT....EAT...EAT EAT EA....."

Mummy what's wrong why can't I run why can't I run what's happening?!!?!?


(The hideous sound of a skull being crushed filled the burning halls Izuku's eyes widened in shock as he heard Izumi die Izuku went to scream but was knocked out by a karate chop to the neck!)

3rd POV-

IZukus eyes squinted open all he saw was a blurr all he heard was constant buzzing with in his ears he tried to move but found himself unable the pain was to much to handle he wanted to scream he wanted to cry but found himself unable teh only feeling he was feeling was pain his vision was fading but he was able to see one last sight it was a man it was the same man who struck him in the neck and the same man who rescued him.

???"Finally we're out of danger.....few"

The mystery man said in a spirited and dreadful voice he carried Izuku in his arms up until they existed the inferno that was once the hospital he placed Izuku down he saw the pain Izuku was in and he wanted to help but he heard the heros coming he couldn't risk a battle so he left the boy but gave him a gift of sorts he gave him a neckless which possessed a symbol which represented a hurricane or a storm if you will.

???" We will meet again young one........"

The man left and all Izuku heard was the sound of something that was gigantic flying away all that Izuku knew for Sergei was that it possessed wings had begun to fly away from the pile of Ruble which was once a hospital.

Izuku.." I....hav..e to"

Izuku's voice was weak and his pleas were left unanswered the man or creature never returned Izuku was 'SAVED' from the heros this happened only minutes after the man had disappeared all Izuku heard was a mishmash of voices but the one voice that he heard clearly was that of his hero ... His Father Toshinori Yagi!

He is For now

Magesticflame here I hope you liked this chapter have a nice day or night...
MWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.........I fucking hate lockdown .......

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