Chapter 1

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I was originally born in 2220 on the 15th of July I was born to the Yagi family I was the first child to be born with in our little family and the next child came a year after me I had a sister by the name of Izumi me and my family were your average family in Japan by most standards. For my early years I lived care free and with no knowledge about the horrors that my ideals the heros had committed however I would soon find out at the age of 4 that was the day I found out about my so lack of a quirk

(Kid) Izuku and Izumi- " MUMMY .. AND .. DADDY WAKE UP!! TODAYS THE DAY TODAYS THE DAY!!!!!!

The small emerald haired pair bounced on a bed waking up a emerald haired women along with a tired man who sported a familiar set of messy haired blonde. The emerald haired women's tired face grew a tired but happy smirk and the children's energy had awoken something in the blonde as he jumped to his feat as he sported a energetic look and a million dollar smile!


The blonde said in a prideful and energetic voice this display made the little emerald haired cinnomrolls to yell the day in sync.

Izuku/Izumi- "THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The blonde grabbed his two children and jumped up and down with them Inko looked at her husband and smiled.

Inko-" Toshi do you have the day off?"

Inko's voice was laced with uncertainty she wanted her husband to be there for his kids big day and she knew he wanted to come he wanted to be there in case one or both were quirkless he wanted to comfort them but his job wouldn't allow it for the most of it so are time was something they rarely had but it was moments like this that Inko adored.

Toshi-" Inko I will be there trust me and kids I'll meet you at the doctors just remember I don't care how cool your quirks are as long as your happy"

After a while the family ate and Toshi left the house to go to his job while Inko entered the car with her children she gave them all a big smile as they proceed to the doctors.

Time skip-30 minutes

Doctor-" Mrs Yagi I have some unfortunate news both of your children do I put this lightly well there........quirkless I'm sorry about this but your children can still live normal lives quirklessness ain't a disease.."

Toshinori-"INKO Izuku Izumi I'm sorry I'm late! And iz..."

Inko and her children's heads viciously jerked to the side as they saw toshinori who was bleeding from the mouth and the forehead curtains of a cut his appearance sent Inko into a panic and it broke Izuku and Izumi out of there shock.

Inko-"Toshinori yo...."

Toshi-" are the kids okay I heard about it! "

Doctor-" heard about what.....(angry mumbling)"

Toshi- " Izuku and Izumi I'm here for you I don't care about quirks and lack of quirks as long as your you I will always love you!"

The blonde fell to his knees as he pulled the now quirkless children into a reassuring hug the children broke into tears but not out of sadness and self pity the tears were those of joy the doctor watched as the parents comforted there children this display caused a disgusted scowl to form under the doctors kind persona.

How the doctor hated family's like this he needed to get some air or else he would vomit out of disgust so he left the room as he left he saw something the shocked him the doctors heart raced as he saw certain death he saw a MONSTER.

Magesticflame I hope you like this chapter have a nice day or night

Izuku Yagi- A Hero's - Monster :it's back:Where stories live. Discover now