Chapter 5 (working with a dumbass)

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*Levi's POV*
As if my day couldn't get any worse, I just got detention for a whole month on my first day. How am I supposed to practice enough and go to detention? Ugh THIS IS BULLSHIT! But it's not like I can do anything about it... I just have to make sure my parents don't find out. When I walked into the detention room I saw a teacher there or was it a volunteer?

Volunteer: Oh you must be one of the students taking detention. Take a seat wherever you want.

The room was empty so Akari hasn't shown up yet. She's probably doing something stupid that will make her late again.

*Akari stumbles into the room*

Akari: HI sorry I'm late.

Volunteer: It's fine just take a seat

Volunteer: okay so according to your math teacher you have to work with each other on the subjects you practically failed at last year.

Akari: Wait but I never failed anything

Volunteer: Maybe not you but your friend over there practically failed a class according to what it says here.

Levi: she's not my friend

Akari: Levi your failing a class?!

Levi: It's none of your business

Akari: Wow and here I was thinking you were smarter than me.  Turns out it was the complete opposite


Volunteer: As for you.. what's your name?

Akari: It's Akari

Volunteer: Akari you barely passed your science class

Levi: Looks like your not the smartest person alive either

Akari: Oh shut up at least I managed to pass all my classes unlike you.

Volunteer: okay okay calm down you two we don't need any more fighting your already in enough trouble as it is. Anyways today you'll be studying together on one of the subjects listed here.  You can choose which one you would like to start on first.

Levi: Ok should we start reviewing your science class first?

Akari: No we should do one of your subjects; your doing worse than me after all

Levi: I don't think it matters which one we do first since we're gonna be here for like a month

Akari: We'll in that case we should start with your English skills cause it's gonna take a long time to fix that.


Akari: We'll I'm looking at your final essay from last year and it looks like your barely capable of writing an introductory paragraph

Levi: Where the hell did you pull that out from

Akari: It came with the list of subjects we need to work on

Volunteer: Hurry up and choose something you don't have all night

Levi: Fine we'll work on English for today

Akari: Ok we'll start on your sentence structure

Levi: What's wrong with my sentence structure?

Akari: Everything

She helped me study English for that whole detention session.  She was surprisingly nicer when actually teaching me what to do. She still pisses me off though, making it seem like I'm incapable of doing this kind of thing in my own

Volunteer: okay kids your time is up make sure to be back here after school tomorrow

Akari and Levi: yes sir..

Akari: I guess I'll see you tomorrow

Levi: Yeah bye

After that we both went home.  I had some homework I needed to finish from my Spanish class.  Spanish is one of my easy subjects since I'm fluent already. But even though I'm fluent it's still mandatory to take for one year here.  The assignment was to write about a childhood story in Spanish.  I couldn't think of much outside of karate but there was someone I hung out with often since we live close. I remembered a bunch of things that we did together.  But do I really wanna write about her? After all she still pisses me off to this day.  Well I can't really think about anything else right now and I just wanna get this over with.

(Levi blankly thought for a few seconds)

You know what I just won't say her name but I'll write the story. 

Levi's Spanish paper:
Cuando tenía entre cuatro y cinco años, tenía un amigo con el que salía todo el tiempo.  Ella era bastante irresponsable en ese entonces y normalmente yo era quien me aseguraba de que no se metiera en problemas.  Un día cuando estábamos solos en el parque, decidió trepar a un árbol alto pero no pudo bajar.  Así que pase todo el tiempo tratando de bajarla antes de que nuestros padres se enteraran.  Cero que incluso un pájaro la atacó mientras estaba allí.  En ese momento pensé que era muy estúpido por su parte hacer algo así, pero ahora lo veo como u a historia divertida de mi infancia.

When I was between four to five years old, I had a friend that I hung out with all the time.  She was pretty irresponsible back then and I was usually the one who made sure she didn't get into trouble.  One day, when we were alone in the park, she decided to climb a tall tree but she couldn't get down.  So I spent the whole day trying to get her down before our parents found out. I think a bird even attacked her while she was there.  At the time I thought it was real stupid of her to do something like that but now I see it as a funny story from my childhood.

Now that that's over with I can go practice

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