Chapter 9 (warming up)

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*Akari's POV*
Im at Karate right now serving my punishment of being rowdy in the dojo and boy is it painful. I hate push-ups with a burning passion and I didn't think I'd have to do more than 100 today T-T

*Levi whispered*: See now look what you got us into; now we have to spend our practice doing PUSH-UPS

*I whispered back*: Well if you would have just helped me then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!

"HEY! NO TALKING; ONLY PUSH-UPS!" Danielle shouted while whacking is with the sword of doom.

(The sword of doom is not an actual sword with a blade. It is a Woden cylinder stick sword with padding around it. So it didn't break or bruise them but it was enough to hurt them)

*Levi still whispering*: Well I never had to help you in the first place so be great full!

*Akari whispering back*: Ugh this is why you have no friends

*Levi whispering*: SHUT UP

Danielle: HEY! What did I just say?

Akari and Levi: No talking just push-ups...

Danielle: EXACTLY!
*whacks them both with sword of doom*

Akari and Levi: ow..

We didn't talk for the rest of the push-ups we did.   Since it took us a while to do 100 perfect push-ups we spent the entire rest of practice finishing it.  While the others packed up and left Jake stayed back to walk home with me. 

Akari: *groans* I'm exhausted

Jake: I know you are those push-ups must have been painful

Akari: It was.. I don't even know if I'll be able to get up for school tomorrow

Jake: Well if you don't I'll make sure to come get you.  Just make sure next time you decide to cause a ruckus with Levi in the dojo, you do it when Mr. Watakoshi isn't around; got it?

Akari: okay I will... and thanks

Jake: Anytime

Akari: Annnd I guess I'll try making more of an effort to get along with Levi

Jake: Really? That's great! As long as you guys don't get into any more big fights it might go back to being like 5 years ago.

Akari: Yeah...I mean I can't just shut him out forever right?

Jake: Right and I'm sure if you both made the effort you can be great friends again.

Although Jake said that, we both knew even if we started being friends again nothing would be the same. After all I wasn't the only one affected by Levi's whole personality change.

After that we continued walking home. Once we got to my house I waved goodbye to Jake and watched him walk off to his house.

(The next week at their school *10:30 am during third period*)

I've been doing these detention sessions after school with Levi for over a week now and it's been pretty okay except for the fact that Levi is really tough on me when we study. Which even though he isn't smarter than me I'm pretty sure he picked up that habit from my mother when we were kids. She would always yell at me for not understanding something right away. And I guess that behaviour brushed off on Levi because look at him now.

Learning to fight alongside youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora