ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯

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After the copious amounts of champagne consumed and excitement of the Starfall, Thalia was ready to curl up in her bed before Feyre dragged her away insisting she must come open gifts with the remaining Inner Circle. 

Cassian, Mor and Amren were all definitely drunk as they lay slouched across two chairs when Thalia entered. 

"Thalia our Lady of Death come come we have gifts to open" Cassian slurred and Thalia tried not to burst out laughing at the sight while Nesta beside her did the same. 

Thalia had remembered the traditional gift giving when Mor had mentioned it in a passing and so she'd spent late all of last night before she went to bed, traipsing up and down Velaris in search of the perfect gifts for everyone. She had anticipated on not attending the giving and had left all her wrapped boxes by the fire place but as she stood arms crossed, feeling the weight of Rhys and Feyre behind her she knew she couldn't get out of this. 

"Thalia first our guest of honor" Mor cheered. 

 Morrigan had gifted her a set of perfumes in a golden box which caused a gasp to sound out as everyone stared in amazement, Mor smugly sinking back into her seat with drunken pride. Cassian and Nesta had gifted her a new set of Illyrian fighting leathers they'd had Emerie find with the most stunning craftsmanship setting the layers of obsidian scaled leather. And Thalia thought she might cry when she turned to Rhys and Feyre, a small opened box in her palm. 

"A house?" 

"An apartment. Just down from where Amren lives. It's a cosy little part of Velaris, quite. We thought you'd enjoy the privacy and with that we also thought now would be an appropriate time to formally invite you to join our court" Rhys' face was soft as he asked her, Feyre far more obvious of her excitement as she stood holding her mates hand. 

"Joining your court?" Thalia's voice was barely a whisper as she couldn't comprehend the gesture. 

"Yes. I know you like to do things yourself so we wouldn't force you to join us but I want you as my spy. You can work on your own terms to complete my requests, you'd be my second pair of eyes and ears in Prythian. It's only fitting that the Lady of Death works for the Night Court don't you think?"

Working for Rhys, becoming a part of the Inner circle, of their family meant staying. It meant being vulnerable and having to face him. And yet as her head was telling her to not get attached, that this is how you ended up enslaved last time, she couldn't help her heart from saying yes. 


"Of course Rhys. I'm by your side till the very end. All of you" She looked at the group, at the people she could feel she was starting to love and the way they looked back at her made her feel a warmth she wasn't even sure she was capable of. 


The rest of the evening was spent full of laughter as everyone opened up their gifts. Mor throwing the truffles Thalia had given her across the room while Thalia rolled about trying to catch them through her laughter. Nxy had appeared and was lying in the paper wrapping on the floor while Feyre admired the cloak Thalia had given. In all the commotion and joy Thalia had barely even realized Azriel was half in the shadows, quietly unwrapping his own gifts everyone had given him, his whispers low as him and Rhys spoke in the corner through smiles. 

Thalia had thought over and over what to get him and when she saw him slowly take the lid of a box she'd wrote his name on she tried not to pay too much attention. 

"Cooking supplies?" Rhys teased quietly, only him, Az and Thalia hearing from where they sat further from the fire as everyone else sat yelling gleefully at each other. 

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