ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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Thalia woke to a knock. 


The male strode past her and into the room as she stood by the door wiping her eyes. 

"We leaving already?" 

Rhys turned to her as she noticed he held a pile of black. 

"Not just yet. Here I have a gift" 

He shoved what she realized were clothes into her arms. The thick leather was instantly recognizable to the touch and she looked up in a flash to see Rhysand's smile matching her own. 

"You did not?" She moved over to her bed and dumped most of the leathers to hold up the jacket before her. 

"I thought you'd want to return home wearing something you'd feel comfortable in"

The black jacket's style was just as she remembered. The leather was carved into scales across the entire piece with gun metal buckles going up the centre, the sides brought in with a corseted silhouette, the shoulders just slightly pointed. It was as if she'd be wearing a dragon hide. 

"I can't thank you enough" She was beaming as she moved into the bathroom to change. Rhys shouted out after her. 

"You can by helping me win this war"

He continued to fill the space by telling her about what to expect at the camp but he fell short when she reappeared. There before him Thalia stood proud in her Illyrian leathers, a vision of power. He smiled back as proud as ever to see the woman he considered a little sister standing o tall. 

"How do I look?" She continued to clash the shoulder guard over her, the leather sitting atop one shoulder to be strapped across her chest to the other. 

"Just as I remember"

Like a warrior. 

A second knock sounded on the door, Feyre welcoming herself in after a call.  

"Ah yes. One last thing" Rhys grinned as Feyre wished a good morning and gushed at how beautiful Thalia looked. 

"This is less for practicality and more for dramatic effect" Feyre winked as she held out a red layer of fabric. A cloak. A half cloak Thalia realized as she turned around. The end fixing to the bare side of her shoulder and draping under her wings to the other side with a chain across her chest. 

She looked like a general. 

"Yes you do" Rhys winked. 

Don't read my mind She spoke to him despite her smile.

Why? Afraid I'm going to catch you thinking about how a certain someone will react to your leathers?

"Perhaps I'll throw you on your ass to make a statement Rhysand" She spoke aloud, Feyre laughing out at Rhys' dropped smile. 

"Don't get cocky. Come on the others will be waiting" 

Upon leaving her room with her bag, she couldn't help but feel a few butterflies of nerves. Cassian had given her a few daggers just before she went to sleep but Rhys had instructed she needed to pick a fight using raw strength and skill not with a knife. It was imperative she made her abilities known to anyone who would think of going for her. 

"Don't look so nervous Thal" It was Cassian stood next to Nesta and Azriel by the large windows leading to the balcony, their own bags ready by their feet. 

"Don't look at me like that either" He laughed holding up his hands as she glared ahead. 

"Cauldron you look-" Nesta tried to search for the word as she looked on at Thalia. 

"Intimidating" Mor finished for her, the blonde standing up from where she sat at the table. 

"You can say that again" Cassian helped take her bag as he looked her over once "You look like a High Lord" 

"Thanks Cass" She whispered as he smiled. 

She felt his eyes on her again. Azriel's. He hadn't said a word even when she forced a smile at him, her heart clenching as he looked away. She didn't even know why she tried. 

"Mor will winnow you to my cabin where you'll be staying then I want you flying into camp" Rhys turned to Thalia with his arms crossed. "Don't let them know you're there until you fly in. Use the element of surprise. Let Cass introduce you, talk to Devlon whatever then make a scene. Make it bloody and big"

Thalia noticed Azriel step slightly forward, his hands in fists at his side.

"You know how to do entrances and you need to show them you're not to be messed with. Understand?" His voice was stern. They all knew what walking into an Illyrian camp demanding female liberation would mean. 

"Such little faith in me?" Thalia tired to lighten the mood for her own sake. 

Rhys surprised her by huffing and wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. 

"Don't die okay" He spoke into her shoulder. Thalia knew how he felt about her. She knew he lost his own sister, she had mourned her herself when she heard the rumors while locked away. At this point he was just as much the closest thing to family she had left, the same going for him. 

"I'll try not to" 

Mor winnowed in Cass and Nesta first, Azriel heading off himself before the Night Court's second returned for Thalia. 

"Thalia" Rhys stopped her one last time, leaning forward to whisper as Feyre and Mor stood back. 


"Spit it out Rhys"

The High Lord huffed before looking down anxiously. 

"I know you and Azriel have a history and I known about the bon-"

She pulled her hand away. Her face a scowl of defense. 

"Hear me out. I know what it's like to force it down. You'll try to ignore it and it'll eat at you. Trust me. Whether you decide to accept it or not, you need to act on it soon. You're heading into a testosterone filled, male camp where they're going to look at you in the worst ways and Azriel's going to try everything not to kill them all. Just make sure you talk about it at least before it all simmers over"

She answered with a slight nod. 

"Good now go. Do me proud" 

A final smile graced her lips as she saluted. 

"As you wish my Lord"

"Have I told you I hate you" Rhys laughed as Mor moved to put her hand in Thalia's. 

"I love you too" She laughed out just as the two women were engulfed in space, disappearing from the room. 

Thalia only let out a breath as she landed in the snow covered forest of the Night Court mountains. The smell of pine pricked her nose as her cheeks were immediately bite with the winter wind. 

"Welcome home" Mor smiled beside her, her hand still in Thalia's. 


Are you ready to see Thalia absolutely hand Devlon his ass. 

Here's my inspo for her leathers but think a red cape like Thor's in Thor Ragnorok and Thalia has dark hair lol

Here's my inspo for her leathers but think a red cape like Thor's in Thor Ragnorok and Thalia has dark hair lol

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