ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10: ᴏʜ. ᴏʜ ɴᴏ.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for listening to me ramble about my stupid dream, Sir Nighteye. I think I'm going to go out for a walk to clear my head a bit." I said.

"It's not stupid to get scared, we all get scared. Take care and make sure to be safe on your walk. Goodbye for now, Dr. (l/n)." Sir Nighteye said.

"I will goodnight." I said and with that, my call with Sir Nighteye ended.

I got out of bed and picked up my phone stuffing it in my pocket. It would seem like I had fallen asleep in the cloth I was wearing for the meeting. So, there was no real reason for me to change cloth. The sound of rain hitting the window made it clear that I should bring an umbrella with me on my walk. Walking over to the door, I picked up my keys and shoved them down in another pocket. I decide to wear my rain boots for my walk so I would not end up with wet socks. Because wet socks suck... Haha. Okay, I will stop myself now.

Anyways I put on my rain boots and picked up my umbrella ready to head out for a little walk. I opened the door and slipped out of my apartment and proceeded to close and lock the door after me. The elevator buttons were shining at the end of the dim hallway letting me know where I could find the elevator. There was nobody out in the hallway (surprise, surprise) so it had a sort of eerie vibe. But I decided to ignore that I have after all seen a lot worsen than an eerie hallway.

I pressed the button signalling the elevator to come up. A small ping let me know that the elevator had arrived and soon enough the doors opened shining light down the hallway. I stepped inside and before I knew it, I was already heading out of the apartment complex.

Opening up the umbrella I started walking down the wet streets of the city. Even though it was late there were still people out and about. A few shops were open selling food and drinks to all the night owls of the city. I quietly strolled down the street listening to the rain hammering down on my umbrella. I have always liked that sound. When I was I child I would always hurry out with an umbrella every time it rained, just so I could listen to the sound of the raindrops bouncing off the fabric of the umbrella. My mom would always laugh at how excited I got when it rained. She would hand me the umbrella with a smile and say: "Remember to stay warm." Meanwhile, my dad would give me a worried glance and then say: "If you get cold remember to go inside immediately, so you don't get sick." Good memories.

'I should give my parents a call soon. I have been so busy lately that I have barely had the time to talk with anyone unless it was work-related. I'm sure both mom and dad would be happy to hear from me. I have only been able to send them a text here and there letting them know I was still alive after all.' I thought as I looked at an open ramen shop.

'Maybe I should get some late-night food.'

Deciding that some food might not be that bad, I crossed the street and walked towards the small shop. A little ding of a bell signalled the shopkeeper someone had entered when I opened the door. The shopkeeper turned their head and greeted me with a smile. I walked over to the stool at the bar like sitting and took a seat.

"Here is our menu," The shopkeeper said while handing me the menu card. As they did, I noticed the nametag that was plastered to the apron they were wearing.

'Sabrina, that is a pretty western-sounding name.' That was all that went through my head as I read the name.

I ordered my food and Sabrina was quick to make it. But then again, I was currently the only customer in the shop. Sabrina placed the tray with the food in front of me and as she did, I could not help but ask: "You have a pretty western sounding name are you perhaps not from Japan?"

The young woman smiled at me and said: "No I am actually from England, but my family moved to Japan when I was about 12 years old."

"Interesting. I am not from Japan either. I moved here to become a Quirk Doctor a few years back." I said.

"A Quirk Doctor, wow. I have heard it's quite a lot of work to be one of those." She said and looked at me.

"Yeah, you are right about that, it is a lot of work. That was why I considered quitting; I got a call from a Hero agency that wanted to hire me. But something came in the way so I guess I will be staying a Quirk Doctor for the time being." I spoke.

Sabrina and I continued to chit-chat with one another until there was no more food left on the tray, I paid for my food and got up to leave. I opened the door and walked out, but not before saying goodbye and thanks for the food.

"Goodbye and have a nice night", Sabrina said as left the shop. I opened my umbrella again and continued to walk down the streets. 'I am just going to stay out for a bit longer. I still need to clear my head and the night air seems to be helping for some reason. What in the world have I been doing to get these strange dreams? And who in the world is that crusty man? He seriously needs some chapstick' A small laugh escaped my lips at the thought of handing him chapstick. I have always been this way though. Trying to find something to laugh at when something scares me.

As I continued my walk the streets seemed to become more and more deserted. My surroundings began to become slightly sketchier and that was when I heard it. A hoarse voice sounding slightly upset. I could not exactly make out what the person was saying, but the voice dentally came from the alleyway on my right.

"What is up with people and alleyways this week" I whispered under my breath and continued to walk. Whatever was happening in that alleyway was none of my business and I intended to keep it that way.

Or so I thought. That was until I heard the stranger say 6 words: "It's those bratty U.A kids' fault."

That caught my interest and against my better judgment, I closed my umbrella and began to sneak into the alleyway.

'I really shouldn't be doing this. But someone saying that about U.A students in an  alleyway in the middle of the night just doesn't feel right.' I thought as made my way into the alleyway.

To my luck, the alleyway was filled with trash bags, bins and a big garbage container that so happen to be placed perfectly for spying on the person in the alleyway. I quickly hid behind the garbage container and poked my head out just so I could peek and the person but still be hidden. The moment I laid eyes on the stranger I was filled with dread

"Oh. Oh no." I silently breathed out.

Because the stranger was the man from my dreams, and it was at that moment I realised why he seemed so familiar.

It was the man that led the attack on Class 1-A when they were at U.S.J.


"Would you hold my hand even if it hurts you?" Is a piece of fan-made literature and is simply made for fellow fans to enjoy.

Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia and all its characters belong to Kōhei Horikoshi.

I do not in any way claim ownership of the franchise or its characters.

The story I tell is not meant to be part of the canon storyline and is just something I imagined.

This story is for entrainment outside of the original franchise.

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