11: Not the main character

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Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!" Leah startled me as she knocked on my door and practically yelled. I groaned out of frustration. I didn't feel like going. I was already comfortable enough with the lack of tedious work during the summer. The parties were also not so bad. But summer can't last forever.

I took a deep breath and mustered enough motivation to get into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I smelled like cigarettes, a combination of people's pungent body odor (ew), and Ashton's vanilla-scented sweater. As I washed off the shampoo and soap off my body, my mind wandered off to Judd and what happened last night.

"And you said you were over Judd," Connie rolled her eyes.

"Connie, I am."

Connie immediately ignored it and disappeared. She was probably tired of my dilemma, but she needed to deal with me. She was my hormone monstress after all.


I rushed downstairs with my backpack hanging off one shoulder.

"There's our beautiful Y/N!" Elliot exclaimed. He was wearing an apron that said "THIS APRON IS A FEMINIST" which I was not sure if that made sense, because I think "cook" would make a lot more sense than "apron". I thought it was adorable anyway.

"Take a seat, sweetheart. Elliot made pancakes," Diane calmly spoke as she patted the table.

I took a seat right in front of Leah.

"Morning, Stinky Toot," Leah greeted me using my childhood nickname.

I dramatically gasped as if I was hurt and placed a hand on my chest for extra dramatism. "Morning, Fart Face," I clapped back.

Judd took a seat on my right. "Hey, Judd." He didn't reply. When you turned to look at him, he had a scowl on his face and stabbed the pancakes on his plate. Maybe it's just first-day-of-school angst or whatever. God knows I felt the same way. I didn't want to go to school. But I wouldn't know what to do if I were to drop out.

I decided to brush off his silence. I didn't need to fuss over anything else. So I distracted myself by conversing with Elliot who seemed almost always joyful at the little things in life. I needed that man's serotonin supply.

"So, Y/N, are you excited for your first day back?"

No. School is the earthly equivalent of hellhole. I'm participating in reproducing capitalist power in exchange for my mental wellbeing.

"Yeah. I can't wait to meet people!" I lied. Obviously. I was fucking mortified. I could only hope that it wouldn't be like LA. I was so out of place in LA.

After breakfast, there were first-day pictures.

"Judd, please. It's your last first day," Diane softly coaxed the teenager.

"It's his last first day," Elliot repeated, except he was crying.

"Fuck," he muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Judd eventually made his way to Leah and Nick. I stood next to Elliot and Diane waiting for them to take pictures.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Get in the picture, sweetheart. I'm sending this to your mom."

"Yes! You're a part of our family after all," Elliot went back to his cheerful self.

The pictures seemed to excite Elliot and Diane so I went with whatever they said.

"Y/N, sweetie, we want you in between Judd and Leah."

My heart skipped a beat. Fuck. I truly am not over him.

I walked over to Judd and Leah who had emptied a space between them just for me. Judd's frown made me feel a little bit intimidated, but I decided to just put my head up high and act like nothing was going on. I convinced myself that I was just paranoid and confidently smiled for the pictures. Why do I have to be afraid of Judd?

Okay. I definitely had reasons to be afraid of him. One of them was his driving. I felt like he was trying to murder everyone in the car on our ride to school. How did he even get his driver's license? No! A better question is does he even have a driver's license. NO! Was he even properly trained to begin with? How did Diane and Elliot come to a decision to trust him with a vehicle when he drives like a fucking maniac? Or maybe he drives well, but he's trying to kill my ass! Wait, no. Y/N, the world doesn't revolve around you, for fuck's sake. You're not the main character. Now shut up and stop thinking that he's conspiring against you.



So life has been insane. My mental health literally drove itself into a ditch. My sleeping schedule is fucked. So yeah. I have been trying to catch up to writing for the past few months but I haven't had the time to actually do it. I can only offer you a crappy filler chapter for now. But don't worry. The fun is about to begin. 

Anyways, I'm off to write the next chapter! 

Love you all so much! Happy pride month, babies! 

-Lydia xx

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