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ugh you thought i could be doing something cool like sleeping but i'm stuck like this.         Why ae you so frowny? a man said you looked up. he then used swords and pulled you closer. hm you look pretty... if i cut you up i piece's you would look shiny. Why thank you! you said. if i used my moonlights dragon your blood would glitter!. thank you! he said back. then freed took a glance at you guys then he thought Are they flirting? Nah i'll just get back at Fighting.                                                              

your really wonderful! he said to you. thank you! you said back. he then had a sword at your stomach as he was about to stab you, you held the sword and took it from his hand. Ku Ku Ku! you laughed. you swinged in the air having it land on the ground. he dodged it. Finally! he cheered somebody who finally is strong. oh you said so this is gonna be sword battle eh? you then made a moonlight sword tchh you thought this is gonna be a drag.

the difference between light and dark  [ Freed x reader]Where stories live. Discover now