(1) Prologue

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*Takes place during the first year exams where if you don't pass, you are expelled

Ayanokouji POV

Another day, another teaching.

Our Sensei, Chabashira, has just announced the punishment for failing a midterm/final exam; Expulsion.

Everyone is aghast, except for the exceptions of some, of course, that being me, Horikita, and Koenji.

After Sensei declared the end of class, I was hoping to leave and head to my room, but someone had other plans for me.

"Ayanokouji, mind discussing something with me?" The girl sitting right next to me, Horikita, asks.

"Sigh, what is it?"

"You already know, I'm going to need your help assembling the people who don't want to study, and force them to study. Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi are going to be rough to deal with, so I'll be needing your help with them."

"Yeah, I think I already have a plan for that, but I'll need to involve Kushida in order for it to work."

"Tsch, just do it, the faster we garner points, the faster we'll rank up to Class A"

A/N I made Horikita less condescending here in order to move the plot forwards faster.

"By the ways Ayanokoji, they aren't the only problem, I'm sure you've noticed."

I sure did. The quintuplets amassed quite the attention when the school first started. Even now they've become quite popular due to there being five of them. My classmates have come to refer to them by their given names instead of their last, because of this.

 I've noticed that they've each got something they're good at, whether it be in academics, athletics, or something else. They're all good at something, but not at everything. All of them have trouble with academics for the most part, and all but one of them have joined a study group. The outlier there being Nino Nakano. 

Right now, she's being surrounded by her sisters. It's more than likely that they're talking about studying.

3rd Person POV

"Nino, which study group are you going to join?" Yotsuba asks.

"Neither! Most of the boys in this class are all dirty perverts, and I don't trust any of them! The only good one in this class is Hirata, but he's always bombarded with others. I wouldn't even be able to focus with them. Besides, I'm sure I can easily cram and score high enough in order to pass!" Nino confidently replies.

"I don't know Nino, you should take this seriously. The danger of being expelled should already motivate you to join a study group even if you won't be able to focus." Miku exclaims.

"I don't need anybody to tutor me, I'll just review the study materials myself! I don't know why you're all worrying, it's like you expect me to fail."

"We're quintuplets, Nino. Our intuition regarding each other is better than everybody here. Besides, about that thing, most of the boys here being perverts and you not trusting them, there may be one boy who can help you." Ichika chimes in the conversation.

At these words, Nino was intrigued. Ichika knows how Nino is, so she wouldn't randomly recommend someone out of the blue.

"Who are you talking about Ichika?" Itsuki asks.

"Yeah, we've talked to everybody in this classroom, unless you're talking about the other classrooms?" Yotsuba says.

"It's unlikely that the other classes would help us, we're not the only ones trying to reach class A." Miku reminds them, sitting on a chair next to Nino because she was tired of standing.

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