Ace is sitting on the bed typing something on his phone.

He's wearing a suit and his hair is kinda wet.

I walk to the walk in closet where my stuff are without saying a word.

I dry my hair with a blow drier trying to ignore his gaze on me.

Once my hair is dry I walk to the bed and lay down not having anything to do.

A knock on the door steals our attention.

A "come in" is enough for Erika to open the door and walk in with a tray of food.

"Good morning sir" she greets him then smiles at me and greets me "good morning dear.

He doesn't reply.

"Good morning Erika" I reply.

Ace stops typing on his phone, he looks at me then at Erika and mumbles a good morning to her.

Her eyes widen but she quickly recovers and puts the tray in the middle of the bed between us.

She leaves as soon as she sets everything.

Ace puts his phone down again and looks at me then at the food.

"Let's eat" he says.

I nod and eye the tray already feeling sick.

My assumptions are not making this easier.

I take the bowl of fruits and force myself to eat half of it.

I can't eat anymore, I'm getting nauseous.

It's not as bad as yesterday but I don't want it to get worse.

I set the bowl on the tray and drink a glass of water.

"Why did you not finish the bowl?" He asks eyeing my bowl.

"I'm not hungry" I answer putting the glass of water down.

He looks at me for a few seconds then looks down.

there is still an hour till the appointment but Sofie doesn't know I will go yet.

"Can I use your phone to call sofie? I have to tell her I'm going." I ask.

"I thought you said she asked you to go" he answers.

"Yes she did but I said no, I thought you would say no but you said yes.".

"No" he says standing up.

"What?" I ask confused.

He opens  the second drawers and takes out my phone.

"Here." He hands me it, it's fully charged.

This caught me off guard.

" we better leave now because the hospital  is 30 minutes away" he suggests.

I nod agreeing with him.

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