𝚇𝚇. 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢

Start from the beginning

"Cockroach Clusters," said Dumbledore and the gargoyle moved out of the way.

Dumbledore led the way into the office and walked over to his desk once they were in. He sat down and folded his arms and hands on the desk, observing Violetta's behavior through his half-moon spectacles.

Violetta stood by the door which was still slightly ajar. She kept glancing around the circular room and the great collections of books Dumbledore had. Violetta noticed how Phineas' portrait was empty which meant that the dead man was still either having a talk with Druella or stuck somewhere between Druella's complaints.

"Mmm he isn't here," said Violetta and jerked her head towards the empty portrait.

Dumbledore turned to look at the portrait and nodded. "So it seems," he said and turned back to Violetta. "Could you close the door Miss Malfoy?"

Violetta frowned but did as she was told.

"Now that we're still waiting for Phineas, may I have a word with you?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Well it's not like I have a choice, is it?" She scoffed, annoyed that her precious time is being wasted on something like this.

"We always have a choice, Miss Malfoy."

Violetta narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Dumbledore merely smiled and stood up. He walked over to a counter and took a small frame into his hands before moving to Violetta. He gave her the frame that held a photograph of Slytherin's graduating year of 1979.

It didn't take Violetta more than three seconds to spot a tall but skinny boy of the age of seventeen. He had dark curls which matched his equally dark eyes. He was smiling, physically at least. Violetta noticed how his smile didn't quite reach his eyes which seemed to hold a lot of pain and secrets.

It was Regulus Black.

"Why are you showing me this?" Asked Violetta with little impatient.

She was getting sick and tired of her teachers interfering with her life, more importantly her family life. First McGonagall talked to her about her mother and now Dumbledore was probably telling her to be careful not to turn into someone like Regulus Black.

However Violetta wasn't sure if Dumbledore was aware of Regulus' faith ― or what led him to it.

"Oh, no reason. I merely thought you would like to see this," he said when Violetta gave her the photograph back.

"Yes yes Albus," said a voice from a portrait and it seemed that Phineas Black had returned. "You only showed the girl a photograph of her dead godfather for no reason at all."

Dumbledore didn't say anything but merely nodded at the portrait.

"Hello Violetta," said Phineas, and unlike previously with Dumbledore, his voice wasn't filled with sarcasm.

Violetta grimaced at the portrait.

"You wouldn't mind waiting outside now, would you Albus?" Asked Phineas as he sat down on the chair inside the portrait. "This is more of a family matter and I don't think you are part of it."

"Say no more," said Albus with a silky voice, nodding at Violetta and leaving his office.

Once the Headmaster was out of the office and Phineas was sure he wasn't too close to the door, he broke his cold mask and graced Violetta with a very rare smile.

Phineas Nigellus Black had a rather soft spot for Violetta. He didn't really know what it was but it could have something to do with the fact that he hates Druella and Druella hates Violetta, meaning that Phineas likes the girl who made Druella Black miserable.

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