24- Back In Action

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5 months later

2nd Person POV

Now that you and Wild Card knew each other's names, it changed... absolutely nothing. Honestly, you hadn't known what exactly you was expecting. 

You had both agreed to keep it a secret between each other- after all, technically by the rules he wasn't supposed to tell you his name. But when you two were alone, you called each other by your actual names. It was a small gesture, but still sweet.

And now you had -thankfully- more alone time.

And there were a lot of stories.

Once, when you two were totally not making out, A Cappella 'accidentally' walked in, covered her eyes, and groaned, "Guys, seriously. Not where Guppy can see."

That was embarrassing for all three of you.

And yeah, that had happened on more than one occasion, with a wide variety of all of your friends- unfortunately including Guppy. It was hands-down the most awkward conversation as you and Wild Card tried to dodge the whole 'explaining kissing' topic, and she ended up being rescued by Noodles sticking his arm in and pulling her away.

The poor guy had gotten a few killer bruises for his efforts. That little girl could bite.

When Rewind walked in, he'd admitted he'd reversed time after to take away the 'traumatic' experience. He was really just jealous he didn't get a girlfriend until much later on.

But enough of that.

Things had more or less quietened down, except for the occasional fire, flood, earthquake, or flash storm. To be honest, things could get kind of boring for you all, which was why you came up with the bright ideas to have sleepovers in each others rooms.

Of course by doing that, you guys had also broken curfew way more than once.

All of the Unnamed members had been caged up and interrogated- if they refused to talk, a certain few telepaths would pry into their brains. Audrey herself had been put under special 24/7 surveillance, with weekly visits from you. (Read: with weekly roasting sessions from you)

Even though everyone, especially you, still detested Audrey, all of you needed to cooperate so that she could help sort out your memories, which was sadly a lot harder than it sounded.

Mostly because whenever you opened your mouth, Audrey squealed like a pig and yelled, "It's talking, it's talking!"

She had also attempted to break out a few times, and was once super-close to getting away and putting the world in danger once again.

The main highlights of your life. Ta-da.

As much as you hated to admit it, you had enjoyed all the life-risking missions. They gave you something to do, something to fight against.

Now the most exciting thing was when Face Maker tried to do the splits... with his eyes.

Seriously, it was childhood-damaging. Poor Guppy was probably traumatized. And you still couldn't figure out how it worked.  

But back to you and Wild Card.

5 to 6 years later

Y/N is 21

You two were always there for each other the past 6 years. When one of you felt something (I could have been sad, scared, angry, and more) the other would know when to lay off, or or offer comfort.

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