14- I don't hate Y/C/N

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𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑦 𝑃𝑂𝑉

As I slowly gained my senses back, I could sense the presence of several people beside me. I jolted upright, looking around at the passed out suited enemy. They were scattered around, barely moving.

Soft groans from around the room told me that my friends were slowly waking up like me, some confused, some still on high alert. In the very center, Wild Card was kneeled down, bending over someone.

I groaned and pulled myself off the floor, wincing at the rough ground cutting into my palms. I made my way towards him, looking at the person he was kneeling over. "What happened?" I asked.

Wild Card turned to face me, looking tired- but his eyes told me the relif of everyone being alive. "I don't know. It's all kinda fuzzy, but I think Y/C/N took them all down with some crazy mind trick."

"Wow," I whispered. That was definitely a wow she deserved. I couldn't remember why I resented her when she first showed up. I guess I was just afraid she'd take away my friends. My boyfriend. My role.  But that didn't happen. She didn't replace me. She made a new role for herself, a role that had somehow become so vital to us. 

"I guess we didn't follow the 'get info and come back' rule," A Cappella muttered, coming from behind us.

"No, we did not," Face Maker sighed, growing a huge pouty lip and big, sad eyes.

"Knock it off," Wheels said, being pushed over by Noodles. "I just sent an alert back to HQ. Mr Moreno is sending someone to pick us up."

"Better not be Craze-Raze," the other boy muttered.

"I think you just jinxed it," Guppy squeaked.

"How's Y/C/N?" A Cappella asked, kneeling on the girl's other side to inspect her.

"She seems unconscious, but fine other than that," I said. I turn to Wild Card. "Have you tried searching her mind?"

"I did. But it's all a blur of color and noise and... it seemes pretty confusing. I think her memories might be coming back," He said, looking troubled.

"Isn't that good news?" Slo-Mo asked. It still shoked me sometimes that he could actually talk- and to be honest, his voice was soothing in this situation, and it had been different from what I'd expected.

"Well, yeah. But what if she remembers something that... you know, changes her- uh, things." Fast Forward mumbled.

A Cappella took a few deep breaths and looked up towards us gathered around, forcing a tight smile. "That wouldn't happen. Not with Y/C/N. I won't. Right?"

None of us answered.

"Well, um," Wheels broke the silence, coughing a few times to try and fill in the vaccum of speech. "Our ride's here."

We all slowly headed away, including me. Wild Card and Noodles picked Y/C/N up, holding her between them. Unlike before when I would have felt a stab of jealous, the absence of the emotion refreshed me. After all, I was the one that broke up with Wild Card. Because of... certian new developments, I sort of liked someone else.

As we exited the building into a huge field, a flying -I kid you not- stretch limo dove towards us from the sky. Yes, it was a limo. And it was flying. However, instead of usual black, it was see through with a greenish tinge, Morpher in the front seat driving and Craze-Raze (Just our luck) riding shotgun.

It landed softly next to us, sinking a little into the ground. We all climbed into the roomy backseat, Wild Card and Noodles shuffling in and setting Y/C/N down onto the seats. 

Abuela, who had been yapping to Morpher and Craze Raze, got up from her seat and bent over the girl, placing her palm on Y/C/N's forehead. "Oh dear," She said. "Some privacy, please?"

"Got it," Morpher said. The formerly clear limo turned to the typical black, preventing anyone from seeing in. A steady rumble sounded and the vehicle lifted off the ground.

"What's wrong Abuela?" I asked.

"Nothing. Go sit with your friends. It'll be fine."

Between the sweaty sheen on Y/C/N and my grandmother's strained face, everything was most certainlynot fine, but I bit my lip and sat at the back.

"Come on, cupcakes!" Craze-Raze yelled excitedly from the front. "Buckle up for the choo-choo ride!"

I rolled my eyes. "On a more serious note," Morpher said, rolling the windows down. "The clean-up crew is here." He pointed out the window to a group of Heroics either flying down or already clearing away the mess. "No one except us and Mr Moreno knows what exactly happened. Though, yes, listen to Craze-Raze: put on your seat belts. We'll be travelling at the speed of light."

"Whoa!" Wheels exclaimed from the wheelchair area where he was buckled in. "That's crazy cool-"

The limo lurched forward as the windows rolled back up, the world outside turning into a blur around us.

I could roughly make out Craze-Raze screaming, "WHEEEEEE!", mixed with the excited shouts of my friends. Despite the situation, I could feel a bubble of joy bursting out of me with the squeals.

The limo slowed to a stop outside the force field, landing on the ground. "Come on, everybody out." Morpher ordereded. Guppy, no matter how excited earlier, looked motion sick. She was the first one out and leaned against Moroher for support.

"First tram is for Y/C/N," Aubuela said as Wild Card and Noodles gently lifted her out. "She needs it way more than you do."

"See you later, Aubula," I waved. She nodded to me, shooing the two boys away as soon as she boarded the tram. I could only briefly see who was inside, but it looked like the doctors from when she was tested on her DNA.

As we waited for the next tram to arrive, I looked over to the city surrounding us. So much had happened in a the few short days since Y/C/N had arrived- what, barely a week? The chatter increased as everyone began to cool down from the fight, talking softly. 

Surprisingly, Slo-Mo ran up to me as I settled onto the ground. My pulse quickened slightly, going up for the first time since the fight. Pun not intended. "What you doing?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"Just... thinking," I said, pointedly looking away from him.

"About what?"

"Uh... Y/C/N, I guess, the fight..." I trailed off slightly as my eyes latched onto a few small figures, seemingly scaling the walls of a nearby building. "Who are they?" I pointed to let him know where I spotted them.

Slo-Mo frowned and looked over. "I don't know."

"They don't look like Heroics..." My eyes widened. It was either I was paranoid, or just still on high alert from earlier. "I think I remember seeing them at the place earlier."

"Are you saying that... they're against us?"

Word Count:  1166

Note: Hope y'all liked things from Missy's POV! Any guesses on her crush?

-Mallowmelt- :P

Editor Me: whywhywhywhy did I put the crush in there-

Quick discalimer: In the next chapter, characters that DO NOT belong to me are there, not sure why I did that, uhmm please comment if it makes no sense to someone who hasn't watched the series.

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