23- The Truth

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"Hmm..." I groaned, trying to sit up as everything slowly came bacm into focus.

As I opened my eyes, I came to see the familiar surroundings of a white room with cots lined up against the wall. "Hello?" I asked, eyes darting around the room to find someone.

"Hello?" I repeated. Finally, I turned to look beside me. An inhuman like sound left my mouth when I saw the lady from before, laying on the cot beside me, her limbs strapped tightly to the bed. Her face was eerily pale, as if she was going to bite the dust soon. 

But her hair, although tangled and messy, was vivid. Her Y/H/C hair. Just like mine.

She was obviously not my uncle- but maybe it was sort of the truth. I mean, we were obviously related, or it was a huge coincidence that she looked so much like me. So what was she? My aunt?

As I thought about the possibilities, her eyes suddenly flew open, the colour so much like mine and darting around like I had been doing before. She turned to face me. "Ah, Y/N. You're awake."

"Good morning, Captain Obvious," I retorted.

"Now, now, don't use that tone with me. After all, if I could eliminate your parents, I could do that to you easily. You look so much like them."

I growled, not bothering with the plesantries. I was obviously still in the HQ, and she was strapped onto the bed, so I had the higher ground. "Tell. Me."

She tsked and glanced at her restraints. "I can tell you many, many things, Y/N. But I believe you only want to know one thing."

I waited for her to finish, refusing to answer.

"Who are you?"


A scene unfolded. A scene in my memories. A scene from my past. 

Younger me darted around. But she looked not that much younger. Maybe only by a two years, maximum. 

I was what? 14? 15?

No matter my age,  I looked... emotionless.

I sat obediently in my chair. Two taller figures were sitting across from me. They had been waiting.

The male had my Y/E/C eyes. He had sharply cut features, and a faint stubble dotting his face. His blonde hair was long and messily piled up, like he woke up and didn't bother to comb it. But the most obvious feature was his mouth. Smiling wide and happily, showing off his white teeth.

The female had my Y/H/C hair. And was the exact opposite, the contrast between the two slightly unnerving. Her hair was neatly brushed, tied into a tight bun. Her face was pale, and she had too-smooth skin. Her lips were pressed into a tight line, and her eyes were framed by mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and a lot of other makeup products.

I was looking at my parents.

"Y/N," my father said. "Your mother wants to tell us something."

"Wrong," my mother corrected, voice almost sounding like a growl. "I want to tell her something. Get out."

My father followed her instructions, not bothering to defy her. I immediately hated my mom. Not many people would think that it was possible, hating your own mother, but honestly? I could care less.

The present me wanted to yell at her, do something to crack that calm and cold mask- but past me just looked down and said nothing. "Y/N." she barked. "Look. At. Me." I looked up, not daring to look her in the eye.

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