8- Telepaths are weird

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Back to Y/N POV

Cold. Pain. Darkness. It was engulfing me. Surrounding me.

Where was I? Nothing seemed familiar, and nothing was comforting. I didn't feel connected to anything, physically, emotionally or mentally.  I tried moving my arm. No luck.

Physically, nothing seemed to be happening. Mentally, I could kind of sense that I was... somewhere. I mean, I had to be somewhere, right? I was imagining myself as a glowing orb of pure light. 

I couldn't seem to control my body. It felt like I was totally disconnected to it. I was sort of... stuck. I couldn't move. Physically or mentally. Like I was bound into a force not of my own. My consciousness and subconsciousness seemed to be in 2 different places.

Everything else was black, and I could't see anything beyond that. Just cold emptiness. It was actually pretty scary when you experienced this in person. Especially when out of the darkness anything could just reach out and-


I tried to grasp for anything. A flicker of life. A sign that I wasn't alone. Finally, I sense a weak message. It was there. It shocked me awake. I felt more awake, more alert. More aware of my surroundings, and less in the void of nothingness.

Where are you, Y/C/N?  

Familiar. Something about this voice, it made me feel safe. Protected. Loved.

Memories of what seemed to be 'love' flooded my brain. It was happy. And another image surfaced into my mind about the same hazel-eyed boy I'd dreamt about before. 

Wild Card.

His name snapped me back. Everything rushed back to me. I wasn't connected to my body. My consciousness, my telepathy somehow got me, my soul, stuck in Indestructible's mind.

I wasn't sure how that was possible in the great wide world of superpowers.

I willed all of my energy to send a message to the little bit of life in this. To save it. Wild Card, if you can hear me, get away now.


Wild Card POV:

Wild Card, if you can hear me, get away now.

I'd been floating around (Mentally) in this strange, dark place, when the message kind of stabbed into my mind. The voice was a relief to hear; but the words were danger. It was Y/C/N. Warning me about... something. Whatever it was, there was no chance I was leaving without dragging her back with me.

Where are you? I transmitted, spreading out my telepathy- but there was nothing in her mind, just empty space. When I'd entered someone else mind, there would be noise or colour or just some sort of sign there were memories or life... but there was nothing here.

I'm, um, stuck.

Excuse me? Where? I can't sense you here.

I'm sorta stuck in Indestructible's mind.

What? Get out of there!

I can't. That's what the word stuck means.

I was tempted to figure out how to mentally roll my eyes and/or facepalm. I decided against it, and instead transmitted the most encouraging message I could think of to push her out of there.

Y/C/N. Y/N. You are the strongest and best telepath I know. You're technically the only other telepath I know, but that's beside the point. The point is, I know you can break out. Just trust yourself. If you can't do that, trust me. Trust everyone here, waiting for you.

Silence. The void seemed to have drained of the little warmth there was. That was good. Y/N? Please say your still there...

Nothing. If it was possible to cry in someone else's mind, I would have.

What? The great Wild Card, crying?

I mentally flinched, if that was possible. Y/N?

I'm here.



I opened my eyes and searing light cut into my irises. "Ugh, what did you guys do, hit my head several times on a brick wall?"

The question definitely was oddly specific, but hey- your girl needed answers, she would get them. Everyone was standing around me, gathered around the cot I was laying on. Like, not just the ones who were sentenced to deadly sock washing with me, but like everyone.

I wrinkled my nose. "What happ-"

"Y/C/N!" Guppy cut off, tackling me with a bear hug. Forget that, she was way stronger than a bear.

"Hey Guppy," I said, patting her head.

"What happened in there?" Missy asked, clutching to Wild Card's hand.

A flare of jealousy went  through me, and I was confident that this time, I was most in fact jealous. Enough trying to deny this clearly growing crush. But still, I tried to shake it off. "It's really all a blur," I said, trying not to glare. "I guess Wild Card saved me."

The corner of his mouth twitched. "I learnt from the best."

I smiled back at him. "Why exactly were you stuck?" Mr Moreno asked, breaking the moment. At least if it was a moment.

My face fell at the change of questions. "I don't know. As soon as I heard Indestructible's voice, everything just sort of shut down."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the T-Rex up," (Any KOTLC fans?) Rewind interrupted. "What about Indestructible?"

Thankfully, Wild Card and and A Cappella were more than happy to explain for me. Plus, I was too busy swallowing the weird tasting medicine Anita Moreno and Morpher were force-feeding me.

Mr Moreno bit his lip. "That's... not supposed to happen. All prisoners are placed in a gas filled room that dulls the mind and stops any attempt of escape."

"Maybe you need to get someone to check your gas," Fast Forward mumbled. "That came out wrong."

Noodles snorted in agreement. "Telepaths are weird."

I rolled my eyes. "What we need to focus on is why he was able to trap me."

"Exactly," Wheels agreed, more than happy to switch the topic back. "Y/C/N is a strong telepath. Unless Indestructible's mind is as strong as his body, I've got no other theories."

"You may be on to something," Morpher said.

"Morpher, Craze-Raze, come with me," Mr Moreno interjected from his seat. "Everyone else, back to your rooms. We need to secure the building. No one's getting out."

"Yikes, sounds like how the alien fiasco started." Slo-Mo sayid.

I turned to the boy, who was shaking his leg up and down, as if antsy to move. Weird to the max, to say the least. "What the, uh,' I looked at Guppy. "Hot air balloon?"

"Right," Missy said, shifting uncomfortably. "About that. Slo-Mo can go fast and slow now."

I felt slightly gleeful that she wasn't clinging onto Wild Card like usual- and there was a certain happiness when I saw her looked away.

Word Count: 1167

Note: Raise your hand if you've had this fighting with yourself experience! Just me? Okay. This chapter probably didn't make much sense, but nothing about telepath's do. So... yeah.

Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented on this book all the way to here! Special shoutout to @AmandyWattpad for being the first to comment and vote!

-Mallowmelt- :P 

Editing me here: Honestly, yes. A single vote and comment goes a long way, and look at this book now. Obviously, it isn't as much as a lot of big books, but the fact that so many people thought enough of my horrible writing to vote was great. So if your a voter/commenter, thanks :)

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