12- Flashback

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We, the Heroic kids, all of which incredibly underage, were in the middle of a high-tech supervillain headquarters that was most likely to kill us. 


I was pretty sure it was because we were climbing through the vents to go unseen. It was a good idea, since we had stashed Wheels in a storage room  with Noodels to guard him. And these air vents were like big, movie-style worthy.

Everything was going fine- likely to see creepy monsters, crazy lab experiments, the typical torturing, all in a day's work!

To get us all in, we had to form a very long single file line, and even then, we were still squeezed to both sides of the vents. My elbow was dying from the torture. 

We kept going strong, peeping into rooms whenever we passed by them- at least, until Slo-Mo tripped over Guppy, Guppy banged into A Cappella, she let out a squeal, which caused evryone else to turn and hit their heads on each other.

And when a bunch of unsupervised kids were 'injured', people started screaming. I only realised that we should have been quiet when we fell out of the vents, landing on top of each other. I groaned and rolled over- but then sat up when I saw my surroundings.

We were cornered by a bunch of men in white suits. Their faces were covered, so technically they could have been women too. Our neither. It was really up to them- got off track again.

Rewind laughed sheepishly, noticing them too. "Any chance we could just, you know, go?"

None of  the crowd responded. They seemed to be figuring out what to do when they all suddenly dispersed, leaving a walkway for a figure in a red suit. The person walked towards us ominously slowly.

I gulped. This was really the scariest thing I'd ever done- and it didn't seem like these people would just turn out to be some friendly aliens. We helped each other stand up on shaky feet, all grouping together to face the mystery person. 

A deep, rumbly, low voice echoed from the suit. "Heroics. Capture them- but keep them alive. Especially the Y/H/C one. It seems like our lab experiment has returned."

𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕

I screamed in terror as someone in a white suit closed the glass hatch, sealing me inside. I was trapped in a clear, glass coffin-style box. It was suffocatingly hot, and my heavy breathing only assured that I would run out of air sooner rather than later.

Pounding on the glass, I yelped as the box hissed slightly as it filled up with some sort of white-green gas. Metallic clawed arms popped out of the sides, holding syringes- sharper and longer than a normal human being would like.

The arms poked the needles into my skin, allowing whatever liquid in them to enter directly into my bloodstream. The white-hot pain made tears prick, and my slurred begs for freedom became covered with cries.

"What's so special about me!?" I screamed.

Ropes burst out of where the arms once were wrapped around me, tightening and cutting into my skin, preventing me from struggling. Amidst the crowd of white, a red-clad figure appeared. Or at least, a red blob of something. My vision was blurry from tears and the anger at the mere thought of someone violating me like this.

The red blob tsked. "Now, now, dear niece. If you cooperate, it'll be so much easier for us all. We're doing this for all of us."

"How could I be related to you?" I asked. "You, you're a monster!"

"Don't struggle," He (It seemed from the deep voice) said. "We're helping you. When you wake up, you won't remember anything. Even better, you'll have superpowers. All we need is to leave you in there for a week. You'll be our brainless pawn."

I tried to come up with some sort of a witty retort to compensate for my weak reply earlier, but  the ropes tightened, and my body began to shut down. My vision faded and my mind went blank, a void of human.

𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐸𝑛𝑑

I rushed back to reality and the world that made sense reformed around me, my friends surrounding me in a defensive circle, fighting the white suit agents.

"Y/C/N!" Someone yelled. I turned and saw Wild Card, who turned back to face me. "You're awake."

"You're actually talking to me," I pointed out, pushing myself off the ground and rubbing my head, trying to process my memory and the fight at the same time.

He blushed and smiled sheepishly, quickly turning to elbow someone. "It was silly, me blaming you. And... maybe this was a wake-up call. You fainted, and the red suit guy took you away. We managed to get you back, but we were surrounded... and it was scary without you or the chance you might have been dead. You okay?"

I nodded. "Thanks. Hang on, my head is really fuzzy." The world seemed to spin around me as I put my fingers on my temples, closing my eyes and trying to tune out the noise.

Memories flooded my mind, a whole year of me serving the red suit guy brainlessly: Taking down superheroes.

After taking them into cutstody, I would force them into one of those boxes, with another similar one connected by mounds of wires, a supervillian in the other. After an hour, the supervillian would step out with the superhero's power.

And, I regonized one of them. Indestructible. 

My stomach churned and the thought of me being the one to cause so much pain and suffering. As I came back to my senses, all I could mutter was "The red guy is my uncle."

"Holy doo doo," Wild Card cursed. (A/N editing me why is this here what was I thinking-)

I looked past him and saw a long metal arm about to grab him. "Look out!" I yelled. I tried jumping to push him out of the way-  but the metal arm wrapped around his torso and he was clicked away, captured, and I had a sinking feeling that he was going to be the next experiment. 

Word Count: 1034

Note: Short chappie! But a lot of things revealed. Don't hate me for saying I'll only be posting on Friday. Please?

*Goes into hiding from the angry mob with pitchforks and torches.*

-Mallowmelt- :P

Editing me: okay I might have been hating past me for my horrible writing but I think the plot isn't actually too bad.

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