🎮C h a p t e r 3 1: M o v e d O n🎮

Start from the beginning

The last months were hell to start off anyway 

" Aang?" I heard a familiar tone 

I turn to see Zuko

" oh hey...it's been a while" I chuckled as I walk to him

. .  .

" really? Man I feel sorry for you" Zuko huffed

" it's alright" I dismiss

" it really isn't, how you holding up?" Zuko reassured

" fine fine" I dismiss again

" anyways how are things?" I asked, changing the topic 

"eh fine you know" Zuko said looking out the window

I frowned at the simple response 

"how is the gang?" I asked

" well Katara is fine-"

"who did you-"

~ T h i r d  P e r s o n ' s V I e w ~

"I have been your friend for too long, I know what you are thinking" Zuko smiled

"really? is she? she looks sad though..." Aang leaned back in his chair

"well we had a date and I felt like she was catching feelings...till you came again" Zuko rolled his eyes 

Aang chuckled, " I sorry O mightily lord" Aang faked a bow

Zuko laughed

"so how was school?"

. . .

"Aang!" Toph punched Aang 

Aang rubbed the spot in awe and Suki waved along with Sokka who squinted his eyes at Aang like a disapproving father

Aang gulp as Sokka eyes him down

"sup man!" he changes his mood and bro hugs Aang

"who have you been?" the gang apart of Katara and Zuko ask


. . .

"really sorry about that" Sokka said as he fed Suki the meat ball stick he brought from a nearby stall 

"nah it's okay...i don't really like talking about it" Aang waved his hand dissmively 

"yeah...why did you want to hang, what about your studies?" Katara teased to Sokka and Suki 

"well...it can wait" Sokka tried to think of an excuse but failed

" you know Sokka, getting any type of meat to eat other than studying" Suki flicked Sokka's head slightly 

Katara was next to Aang and they watched as they joke and teased each other 

Katara glanced at Aang who's expression saddened making her insides sadden as well

they both all missed each other...

~ 2 W e e k  L a t e r ~

"wow the sunset" Zuko pointed to Katara 

Katara agreed and joined Zuko as they talked making Aang frown 

"don't be so sad twinkle toes" Toph said as she sucked her lolly pop 

"I'm not, I just miss my dad" Aang made an excuse

Toph scoffed and grabbed his face and turned it to Katara and Zuko

"you can't look at them and tell me your not jealous" Toph showed

Aang frowned, she was right after all

" well I am but I left her and I'm been a jerk, she deserves someone who makes her happy..." Aang weakly smile

Toph rolled her eyes and slapped Aang's arm 


"no matter how many times you tell yourself, I know you miss her, one day you have to admit it" Toph said with her death stare 

Aang sighed and mumbled quietly, " your right"

Aang looked at Katara who was standing alone and walked to her, shooting his shot 

"where is Zuko?" he asked looking round 

"getting ice cream from the nearby stall he saw" Katara explained, fidgeting with her fingers

Aang observed and looked at the sunset 

"it's beautiful..." Aang smiled 

"yeah...it is" Katara breathed in the calming air 

Aang gulped and tapped her shoulder

Katara hummed in response and turn to face Aang 

"look...Katara listen I-"

"here Katara" Zuko said giving Katara her ice cream 

Katara smiled 

"thanks Zuko" she smiled brightly, licking her ice cream 

"no problem" Zuko said, proud of himself 

"did you say something Aang?" Katara mumbled, raising a brow 

Zuko chuckled and noticed her cheek stained with some ice cream and wiped it with a tissue as Aang watched in sadness 

As Zuko did this Katara gestured to Aang to continue what he was saying 

Aang smiled and shook his head 

"ah it's nothing" Aang fake smiled and turned around and walked away 

' why do I feel like this ' Aang frowned  as he continued to walk 

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