15. The Stolen Kiss

Start from the beginning


The elevator took them to the eleventh floor. As soon as they stepped out, Kim led the way to the right. The passageway had rooms on both sides. The label on each door's frame told Pie that they were all different set studios. Ever since she lived her new life with Kim, Pie has came to see a lot of new things which she has not had the opportunity of doing so previously. It was amazing so far for her. She has finally lived in a luxury house, stepped her feet into a manager's office, enjoying unforgettable experience of using branded items yet being a fiancee to somebody she didn't even know? Put the last one away. All she knew she had a good life because of the contract.

In a blink of her eyes, Kim suddenly disappeared from Pie's sight. She was too deep into her own thought that she didn't even aware Kim had turned to the other direction. That tom was turning to the left when she just walked straight to the front. Frantically, Pie scuttled to catch Kim's pace. She knew she was going to lose the direction so soon if she couldn't trace Kim's tract. After a few minutes of walking along the long narrow passageway, Kim finally stopped at one room. The tom beckoned Pie to enter first and once Pie got a clear vision of her sight, all people inside the room stared to her bewilderedly. Kim came into the room shortly after her and by that, the crews sighed in relief to see the figure.

"Kim, I thought you are not coming!" Pie saw a man walking to their direction. He was obviously towered over her and the most important thing was, he looked so good yet charming just the way he was.

"Forgive me that I'm a bit late. I have some emergency cases this morning." Kim said and stole a glance to Pie. Pie just smiled back to Kim timidly. She knew she was the reason for Kim to be late.

"Ah, I see. It's fine. I'm so glad to see you here." The man nodded ardently with Kim's explanation. He diverted her eyes to Pie and then turned to look to Kim again.

Realizing the meaning of the gaze, Kim took her role to introduce Pie to her friend, "Mario, meet Pie, my personal assistant." She said.

"Oh Pie. What a sweet name." Mario flashed a warm smile to Pie once he got to know the petite girl's name.

"Nice to meet you Mario." Pie flushed for the smile that Mario gave to her. Tell her, every girls would melt to smile like that. It was heartbreaking yet she can fall into a coma state for weeks, maybe?

"Ah, shall we start now buddy? I guess we are already late." Kim cut the drama. She got irritate on how Pie blushed under Mario's stare and smile. What the hell?

"Oh yes. You can go to the dressing room first. Let them to some makeup for you." Mario said.

"Pie, you can see the set if you want to." He offered to Pie. Pie turned to look to Kim just to find Kim shrugged unknowingly. She couldn't tell whether Kim let her to wondering around or not.

"Thank you but I'll just come with Kim." Pie said. Mario pursed his lower lips as if Pie's answer disappointed him. Kim was the first one to dismiss the awkward moment when she dragged Pie with her to the fitting room. This couldn't be. Mario liked Pie. Kim could see it through his body language and eyes.


Dressing Room

Pie just sat silently at the corner of the small room while watching Kim from afar. There were a few people around her, doing the makeup and touched up her hair. Pie had ever watched this scene in TV shows. That makeover something was really entertaining and this live one was much better. She saw how that one lady applied some red blush to Kim's cheeks with the brush, the other one did something to her eyes with the eyeliner while the third one sprayed something to Kim's hair making it to spike all over. They didn't take that long to do the makeup. Kim was naturally charming that she didn't need that much touch up on her face or what not. Then it came another few people to the room with some clothes for Kim. They varied into many types and brands.

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