Written Exam

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"Hey, I'll pick you guys up, Obasan has a car, she'll drive us." I tell them through the phone.

"Oh yeah sure." Jiro replies.

"Where will we meet up?" Mina asks, I hear Denki in the background singing that he won't fail anymore.

"How about the café in the heart of Musutafu?" Ojiro suggests and I hum in acknowledgement.

"Okay, see you guys there in 10." I utter.

"Alright." Sero responds, ending the call. 

"Obasan, we're off to the café!" I excitedly declare, putting on the seatbelt.


"You kids text me when your done okay? Yukine, get good grades next time. I love you." Obasan scolds, driving away.

"I love you!" I yell back, walking to my friends.

"I knew she was rich, but I wasn't expecting this." Denki exclaims, still utterly shocked. I ring the doorbell? if it's still called that.

The gates open, and we hear Momo speaking. "I've been waiting for you, please come in." she says, her excitement is even heard from the radio thingy.

"I feel like I'm in a castle, it's so... posh? big? elegant? yeah that's it, elegant." I delightfully say sitting in the what I assume is the main hall.

The gold chandeliers, green curtains hung on tall windows, a fireplace and above it is a portrait, a carpet, not just a carpet. All the floor is carpeted! 

"I feel so out of place. It's making me nervous." Ojiro says, his tail swaying behind him.

"I know right." Sero and I answer, looking around in awe. 

Suddenly the massive doors open, revealing a smiling Momo pushing a thing they have in restaurants. It has a full blue tea set, some cakes in the middle and plates on the side. Momo is wearing a red shirt that has a black crown on the left shoulder and it reaches her upper thigh, and a white short with her usual ponytail although I'm sure she would look pretty with her hair down.

"What is it?" Momo innocently asks happily, tilting her head to the side a little.

"Nothing." we all answer, smiling at her shyly. She starts tutoring us, holding a small book and dictating what we need to learn. 

She brought us small tests to well, test our knowledge, she also lend us completely new notebooks that have an elegant design. Momo is wearing glasses, every time we come back she's wearing a completely different look, last tie she wore a violet shirt pairing it with white shorts again. This time she's wearing a white shirt that has frilly details.

Mina scrunched her nose, her eyebrows furrowed, this is going to be a long week. Jiro was a pretty fast learner although she had to go through the functions a few times. Denki yelled a few times in frustration.

Momo brought cakes, different types every time, it was fun. The creaminess, the fluffiness and the sweetness. All so yummy wummy. 

One time I had to go to the bathroom and Jiro did too so we asked Momo where it is, but Denki asked for help so she had to tell us the directions instead. We obviously got lost in the thousands of hallways in the mansion, I once ended up in the kitchen... It was obnoxiously big.

Denki seems to be having a hard time, I tried helping him, teaching math things which I am good at. And Jiro the quadratic functions, I helped her with that, what are friends for right, she forgot again. The last day went really well, Denki scored 17 over 20 while Mina had 19.


"Written exam day, one." Aizawa sensei said. 

We started the test, the silence for the first 2 minutes was peace until it turned absolutely deafening. I dozed off a few times, most of it was just observing Denki struggle to remember what we taught him, other times it was looking at a sweating Mina, and the few times were glancing at Mineta who racked his brain to get just a single piece of information that was other than looking under girls' skirts.

I hear clicking, click, click, click, and yet again click. I looked around the room and my eyes found Katsuki clicking his pen. In an attempt to drown him out I concentrated on the sound waves, I activated my quirk and redirected it away. But of course, my hair floats when I use my quirk and I didn't have a hair tie.

I just had to deal with it I guess, I gave an exasperated sigh. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Turning my attention to the piece of paper that would soon determine my grade, and wrote all the information they needed. 

After the excruciating days that Izuku gritted his teeth, Katsuki's clicking, and Mineta's whimpers I finished the test. I finally finished the test along with Momo, Shoto and a few other students, I was content with my answers and was proud I didn't take too long.


"Everyone stop." Aizawa sensei commanded, holding his hand up. "Yukine, being the only one in the back, collect the papers and give them too me." he stated.

"Hai, sensei!" I respond, standing up from my seat, I collect their papers and put it on sensei's desk.

"Arigato, Yaomomo!" Denki thanked Momo who happily nodded.

"Arigato, Yaomomo, Yukine!" Mina said, ecstatically jumping up and down.

I hum in acknowledgement, writing something on my a spare piece of parchment. Redirecting it to-

"Oi, Fuyu." Katsuki interrupts me, poking my cheek lightly, blinking ever so slowly then turning to him.

"Oh?" I ask, redirecting the paper back to me. "What is it?" I question again, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What was that?" he answers, more like asks. Pointing to the paper I was moving with my quirk.

I lightly blush, hiding my face with my hair and looking away from his questioning stare. "Betsu ni nani mo..." I respond rather quickly, chuckling nervously. 

(Nothing in particular)

"Uhuh." he eyes me suspiciously, looking at me as if I'm a criminal. "Well, it's time to go home. Get your bag." he orders, slinging his bag over his shoulder, his other hand in the pocket of his ugly low lying pants.

"Okay, no need to get all angry Bakugo." I retort, taking a glance outside... "It's raining." I mutter, putting my bag on my back. I walk next to Katsuki who makes his usual 'tsk' sound.

"I don't have an umbrella." he tells me, taking his jacket off and putting it on top of him.

"Umbrella's are for losers, Katsuki." I remark, grinning wildly. I tie my hair with Momo's created hair tie and put my hair into a high ponytail. I have a little trouble from the length of my hair, acquiring Katsuki's help to tie it up.

"Say that to again when you get sick." he replies to my comment, I huff and use my quirk to not get wet.

"At least I'm not getting wet." I mock him, laughing wildly, he splashes me with water and I redirect it away but then slipping on the wet floor.

"At least I'm not getting wet. Yeah, sure." Katsuki mimics my voice in an annoyingly high pitched way.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him before pulling him down with me, giggling at his shocked state.

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