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(A/N: Here we are! The final chapter. It's not very exiting, I know, but this is what I got for you guys. I'll talk more at the end, so I hope you guys enjoy the conclusion to this fanfiction.)


(Raya's POV)

I trail home early from the party with my head down, kicking the stones as I walk. 

Is Namaari okay?  Where is she? Did she survive her mothers possible wrath?

"Raya! Hey, Raya!"

Namaari? I turn, only to find Sisu, in her full dragon form, running up to me. 


"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just don't do parties. God, I hope they don't think of me as selfish."

"No they won't. I'll explain everything to them. I'm sure they'll understand."

"Thanks Sisu."

"Anytime. Hey, Raya?"


"Want a ride home? It'll be faster."

"No thanks. I'm all good."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks for the oppertunity though."

"No problem. See you round sometime?"

"Okay. See you."

She smiles at me, and runs back to the party. Head back down, I walk home alone.


By the time I walk through the palace doors, my chest is so tight I have to lean against a wall until I can breathe better again. 

I'm more than ready to flop on my bed and fall asleep the first chance I get. 

I open the bedroom door, and, look who's sitting on my bed, staring blankly at the floor.


"Hey Raya." She looks pale, voice just a little louder than a whisper. She staggers towards me, and I open my arms automatically. We just stand there, holding each other close for a moment. 

"I'll be staying with you for a while Raya, until things between me and my mother... calm down."

"What did she say to you?"

"She basically yelled at me because I like girls, and I couldn't take her bullshit anymore, so I told her about Lily, and stormed out the first chance I got."

"My God."

"I know, right? And that wasn't even the worst of it. You know what she said as I was leaving? "If you walk out that door, you will no longer be my daughter." "

"WHAT?!" How can a mother, a mother, who raised her child for all these years, stood by her side no matter what, say something so horrible. "She's gonna regret that...."

"Yeah, I'm so happy I left."

"And I'm happy you're here." She presses her lips to mine, and the whole world melts away. We forget about everything happening in our lives, and just focus on right here, and right now. 


(Namaari's POV) 

Early morning sun is the first thing I see when I wake up. Shining through the open window. 

Oops, shoulda closed that after I came in. 

Raya murmurs in her sleep, turns onto her side. She looks so peaceful, miles away from the brave, bold girl I call my lover. 

At last, we don't have to run anymore. Sure, there's gonna be some people who still won't accept us, but if I'm being honest, I don't care as much anymore. 

"Morning dep'la." She's awake, smiling at me.

"How are you?"

"Slept good. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you're here, with me! We don't have to keep running."

"I know, right? I'm still pinching myself." But the memory, of what Mother said to me last night, comes back to bite. I look away, pretending to be interested in the floor pattern.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, I wish... I wish my mother could accept this part of me."

"And, someday, she will. Maybe, I don't know. We can only hope she does."

"I hope so. Then maybe we can make amends."

"But until then, more time with your girlfriend."

"That's right." I start laughing with her, shakily, but still. 

Maybe this time everything will be okay. Sure, forever will eventually fall apart, but right now, I've got my best friend, my love, by my side. 

And with her, it's like I'm on top of the world.

"C'mon dep'la, lets get some breakfast."

"Sounds like a great idea."

We chase each other down the hallway, free and fearless, all our worries left behind. 

The End


(A/N: And it's done! Wow, I can't believe it's all over! 😭 This chapter of Raya and Namaari's life is complete. But, I can assure you, that this is NOT the final chapter! Currently, I am developing a prequel which will focus on Raya and Namaari learning how to trust each other again, and eventually falling in love. (Bc even though I love RATLD and Raya & Namaari, one thing that really pissed me off was that NAMAARI. NEVER. APOLOGISES. FOR. HER. ACTIONS. 😡) And who knows? I might even do a sequel! When I get an idea ofc. 

Now before I skedaddle and work on the prequel, I'd like to take a moment to say:

THANK YOU! Thank you so much to all of you! All of you who have read, and voted, on this story. To think that this'd have 13 votes! Ily guys so much!

I can't wait to see you guys in future stories!

For now, it's working on the prequel time!

See you guys (hopefully!) very, very soon,

Marley~ 💞)

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