Something's up....

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(A/N: Henlo my dudes. And here is part 5! Again, might be a bit short, but MIGHT leave you on tenterhooks. Well, hopefully it might. I didn't really know what to write for today so I'm sorry if its a little unsatasfactory. Oh and btw, I didn't just include the Cardi B vid above bc I find it funny (and its totally hilarious), but also bc this literally describes the whole mood in this chapter lol. Ok, without any further ado, enjoy!)

(Namaari's POV)

I don't think Mother believes that I went out for a run. I can see it in her eyes, the little glint she gets when she's suspicious. The little glint I know all too well, in fact. 

Swallowing, I push my breakfast plate away, too worked up to eat.

"Is something the matter Namaari?"

"No, I'm just, not hungry. I'm gonna go do some pull ups in the training courtyard."

"Well, then I'll be with you in five minutes."

I nod, slipping through the gap in the door, and wiping the nervous sweat away.


Its been ten minutes. And I'm still all alone, doing pull ups. I get down from the bar, rubbing the red bits on those still tender parts of my hand. 

Hey, maybe she got a little... held up. She IS Fangs cheif after all, busy all the time.

But with no time for her own daughter.


"Oh, well thats wonderful!"

I pause two steps away from the second floor, crouch low, and cock my head in to listen.

"I'm sure she will be thrilled to be on the arm of one of the most powerful men in Fang!"

What? Who? Who would be thrilled to be on- 

Something doesn't feel right. A sickening feeling crawls into my gut. The room spins around me, and I almost fall over. I'm running, so fast I trip on the last step. 

"Namaari! I have something important to tell you!"


I don't stop to see her reaction, I just get back up, and run, and run. 

"Namaari? Namaari!"

I keep running, gasping for air to get into my burning lungs, and find the door to the cellar. I bump against it, again when it doesn't budge, again, and again, even though my shoulder hurts. Again, again, one of the hinges breaks, again, another pops off.

Come on, one more.


I shove one last time, and it breaks, and I run. Into the darkness, the smooth stone cool against my feet. I'm at the door once more, fingering the brass handle.

Do I really want to do this? I mean, it was kind of expensive to pai-

Yes I do. Anything to forget him.

I bolt in, knocking over a dragon statue in my haste, but I don't stop to pick up the pieces. The painting's still on the floor where I dropped it, dust mites dancing on the frame. I tuck it under my arm, and break into a wild sprint, somehow slamming the door shut on my way out. 

My lungs are screaming for air and my legs ache, but I still carry on, and finally collapse miles away from Fangs border. 

I'm on my hands and knees, breathless, but still forcing my aflame lungs to let air in.


Ah, thats better. I let in another lungful of air, as easily as blowing my nose. 

Right, time for action.

There's an abandonded crumbling house along the river, a burnt out torch scattered on the floor.



Two dry sticks in hand from an unlit fire in the building, I rub them together, the pace slow at first, but getting faster with each rub. 

"Come on, come on, come on....."

A tiny spark appears in one stick, and grows, until the tip of the wood is surrounded by a tiny flame, that, little by little, eats away at the rest of the wood.


I light the toarch as fast as I can, throw the sticks into the river, and thrust the flame against the paintings center. 

Like a rushing, raging wildfire, the fire spreads, chewing away at the paint, distorting the palace, the faces of the family, remnants of their smiling, mask faces dripping onto the frame.

I don't run, just stand still like my legs are encased in stone, and smiling, showing all my teeth.

Vengance, you monster, you liar, at last, the only thing left of you is gone. If I ever see you again you will pay...

The flames rise to a peak, licking their way through the frame, turning it into crumbling, black charcoal. I kick it into the river as hard as I can, and fall to my knees as it hisses, water vapour steaming into the sky as it floats downstream, and out of sight.

"Yeah! Woohoo! Good riddance!" I'm dancing, whooping, cheering, like I've lost my mind, but everything starts spinning around me, I'm losing my balance, and I collapse in the river.

My head hurts and feels full of air, a part of my lungs is still scoarching, my legs have run one too many times. I don't know who my mother was taking about, but I have that sinking feeling of who she is.

I'll get up, in a minute, but if I'm being honest, all I want to do is sleep....

(A/N: Ooooooh cliffhanger! Looks like you'll have to wait for another three days to find out what happens to Namaari, muahahahahahaha! And, just so you know, this story does take place after Kumundra has become whole again, but I think it'd get pretty confusing if I just refered to every place as 'Kumundra', so its still Kumundra, but each place retains its former name, to aviod confusion. Soooo, anyway, until Friday friendos!)

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