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(A/N: Hello there! I see you have stumbled upon... Part Ten! (AKA as: Escape!) Now you might want to strap in, bc it gets pretty crazy starting here. Anyway, proceed with reading! Oh and one more thing before I start this chapter....

If you like RATLD (Raya and The Last Dragon) stories, go and follow @italian_stallion_! Their stories are really good and worth reading. :) And they recently published Part Ten (what a coincidence!) of their RATLD fanfic! SSo go follow them/read their stories! (If you wanna, ofc) 

Ok, now go forth, and read! Read I tell you!)


(Raya's POV)

Weak sunlight shines on my wracked frame. My eyes are raw, my knuckles throb, every ounce of hope drained from my body. 

I lost. Face it. Namaari's got a new forever, one that she'll accept, eventually. And there's nothing I can do. Nothing.

Footsteps. Scrabbing. The lock clicks.

Wait, the lock clicks?!

A large purple eye looks at me through the gap in the door, before it disappears, and grows smaller.

The door creaks open, and look who's standing outside.


"Hey Raya." 

Bursting into fresh tears all over again, I run to her, and she readily opens her arms. 

"I heard about what happened. I'm really sorry."


"Pengu was going out for a night flight and found the ruckus. He didn't step in cause he was scared things would get worse."

"Mmm. Look, Sisu, this might sound weird, cliche even, but right now, I feel like my hearts in pieces."


"Look, you know how Namaari and I are pretty close." She nods. "Well, we're more than friends."

"Like, doing-? You know."

"No, no, just holding hands and kissing, hugs, that kind of stuff. I don't think we're ready for that yet. Well, we were."

"Ohhhh. I see. No wonder you're so blue Raya."

"You heard about the wedding?"

"Um, yeah, I even got an invite. But, obviously, I'm not going."


"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to help you so we can rescue Namaari from a potentially loveless marriage!"

"Sisu, are you crazy?! Its not like we can just waltz into Fang and demand Namaari's release! They won't give her up, not without a fight..."

"We could give them a gift..."

"No. More. Gift. Giving. Remember what happened last time we tried that?"

"Oh, right."

"We'll have to sneak in. Knowing Fang everyone else'll be in the church, but there will be guards patrolling the area. We have to sneak in, somehow."

"We could use a distraction. Dibs not it!"

"Well you're gonna have to, since I'm the one storming in."

"Yeah you do have a flair for dramatic entrances."

"We just need to get out of here first. But we can't use the door, not without guards chasing us."

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