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(A/N: Oh my god I love 'Till Forever Falls Apart' so much. And I feel it kinda fits the mood for most of this chapter! Sooooo, I added it in, obvs. BTW, thanks for 160 reads and five votes! With that being said, enjoy the story!)

(Raya's POV)

All eyes are on me. The slience is so thick you could cut through it with a knife. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Virana demands.

"All I ask is that you let Namaari go, and be able to make her own decisions."

Namaari herself looks like she saw someone die right before her eyes, but then she smiles, drops the flowers in her hands and comes running down to me.

"Namaari, get back here!"

She throws her arms around me, not like her at all. "Thanks Raya." she whispers in my ear. I somehow manage to smile too, pulling her close. 

"Guards, take her away."

Murmurs of unease ripple throughout the crowd as two Fang warriors march down the isle towards us.

"If you want to take Raya then you're gonna have to get through me." Namaari's in front of me, holding onto my wrist.

Sisu's beside her, hands up in fists, boxing style. "And me!"

Boun, Tong and Noi stare at each other for a moment, shoulders shrugging, before coming over. "And us!"

"Stop this nonsense and stand back you idiots!"

Ba springs to his feet in the back row. "Calm yourself Virana."

"No, I won't! Do you know how many men I asked to be her husband? How many turned me down?"

"Well what if I don't want to get married to a man I don't even know?" Namaari's gone crimson, her fists clenched. 

The whispers grow louder, and soon they'll become shouts.

"Enough!" A deathly silence. "Namaari, stop this nonsense and do your duty!"

"NO! This, this is not what I want. I'm eighteen, an adult, old enough to choose what I want to do. I don't want to marry for political reasons! We could just sign a treaty, form an alliance. Because... because, I don't love men."

 What is she doing?!

Uneasy conversations break out again. Namaari looks left, right, pulls me to her by the wrist.

"What the hell Namaari?!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm done with hiding. We both are."

"So you're saying, we reveal the secret we've been hiding for so long?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Okay, but are you sure? Here, now?"

"It'll get worse if we hide even more."

"Whats going on over here?" Boun elbows us. 

"Nothing!" We say in unison, too fast.


"Yes, really."

"I don't believe you guys. You're hiding something."

"Okay, fine. We are. but we're gonna tell you."


"Right, now."


(Namaari's POV)

"But first, you might want to step back."

When we're finally given space, I drape my arm around Raya, and, just like we've been doing where no other eyes can see, for six months, kiss.

A shock wave of gasps decend upon the crowd. Our friends stand frozen to the spot, jaws practically on the floor. Only Sisu smiles. Mother's face goes chalk white, like all the blood has been drained out of her. She breathes in and out like she's been running hard, and flushes a dark crimson. 

"Uh oh. Raya, Namaari, watch out!"

We turn just in time, to see my mother flying at us. 

Before I can tell Raya to get behind me, she leaps in front, wresting with my mother. 


Next thing I know, Mother is on the ground, her hand pinned behind her back by Raya. 

"Don't worry, I can handle her!" She squeezes the back of my mothers neck, lightly, and then she stops trying to fight Raya off, and is still.

"Is she-"

"No, no, just unconscious."

Sisu crouches down, pokes her. "Uh, yeah, we're gonna need a stretcher here! Does anybody have one?"

Raya gets off my mother, and doesn't comment when guards come and carry her out of the church. 

We did it. 

We can be together now. Finally.

But there's just one more thing I need to do first.

I leave Raya talking to our friends, and offer Althea my hand. "Come with me."

She follows me to the altar, where, somehow, Danilo is still standing. 

"Go be with the person you love the most." 

"Thank you, Namaari. But wait! This is your  wedding. Are you sure I can-"

"Positive. Besides, I don't think Raya and I are ready for marriage yet."

Tears finally are able to flow down her face. "Thank you."

They embrace, and come fully together in a kiss.

I gag, almost throw up, look away. Raya's next to me, her arm round my shoulder, keeping me up.

"Ironic, isn't it?" she whispers. "Its fine when we kiss, but when others do in front of us, we try not to vomit!"

We break into muffled laughter. Real  laughter this time.


(Raya's POV)

As it turns out, there is still a wedding today. Danilo and Althea's though, not ours. We cheer as they are proclaimed man and wife, and catch the bouquet in spite of all the shrieking other girls running after it like a herd of sheep. I look at Namaari, and she looks back.

"Maybe, one day."

"Is that a definate maybe, or just a maybe maybe dep'la?"

"Just a maybe."

"You sure?"

"Postitive. I think we should just wait till we're ready."

"We'll see won't we?"

She pokes me. I poke her back until she's almost lying sideways on the pews. "c'mon dep'la, lets not miss out on the party."

We walk to our friends hand in hand, and, for a moment, it seems everything will be fine. 

Uh oh, Ba's standing by the door, glaring. Before anyone can react, he pulls me away to a far corner of the church. 

This can't be good.....

(A/N: *GASP!* How will Raya's father react? Find out in three days! JSYK, the next chapter is kinda long, so I decided to divide it into two parts, and they will be released three days apart. (like all the others) Ok, see ya later alligator! 😉)

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