"Yes! My favorite!" Sam exclaims as he fist bumps Liam.

I smile at his boyish antics and dish him up a heaping plateful. I add a serving to the second plate and Liam reaches for it. I smack his hand away and pull it back quickly as I pin him with a stare.

"Hey. Make your own food." He looks at me with wide eyes and his shoulders slump.

"But you have two pans!" He exclaims.

"Yeah, the second one is for Mrs. Cartwright. Mr. Cartwright's health has been failing and she's been working herself to the bone trying to take care of him so I thought I would bring her some dinner. Unless you think you deserve it more than her." He gives me a somber look and lowers his eyes.

"Well, no but then who's the second plate for?"

"Me." I answer curtly as I stab the pasta with my fork.

Sam has already finished his serving and is helping himself to another as Liam goes to the fridge to make himself a sandwich. He sits back down next to Sam, who is making sounds that can only be described as orgasmic, and digs into his food with an obvious pout on his face, throwing the occasional glare at Sam.

"Traitor." Liam mumbles at Sam.

"You'd turn your back on me for this lasagna too. If Luna liked you enough to give you any." I giggle at him and finish my dinner, rinsing off my plate in the sink.

"Oh darn I forgot the garlic bread! Here, Sam!" I say as I place the steaming pile of cheesy, buttery, garlicky toasted bread in front of him.

He licks his lips and claps excitedly as he decides which piece to take. Liam looks from me, to the bread, then back to me hopefully.

"Don't even think about it." I point at him as I narrow my eyes. His expression falls and I almost feel guilty.


"Whatever is left is going with me to the Cartwright's." I say as I begin to wrap up the second pan to take with me.

When I turn around, Sam is on what looks like his fourth piece of garlic bread and third helping of lasagna while Liam is staring at him like he wants to lick the crumbs from Sam's chin. Out of concern for Sam, I decide to take mercy on Liam. I dish him out a small helping of lasagna and add one piece of garlic bread to the plate and slide it across the island to him.

"Here. Now quit looking at Sam like you want to eat him." Liam's expression brightens and I can almost see the drool slipping through his lips.

I go to gather the other dinner when Liam asks. "Could you hand me a fork?" I scoff and lift the dish, on my way out the door.

"Get it yourself, asshole. And clean ups on you!"

I hear Sam laugh loudly while mocking Liam, so I stop in my tracks, turn around and glare at him. His laughing stops immediately and his eyes widen at my intense look.

"That means you too, Sammy boy. I want this kitchen spotless when I get back. I mean it. Or you can kiss those brownies with peanut butter frosting I promised you goodbye." Sam's mouth gapes open and his hand goes to his chest in astonishment.

"You wouldn't do that to me, Luna! Not the brownies!"

"With peanut butter frosting?" Liam asks as he looks hopefully between Sam and I.

"Oh my God Alpha she puts these chunks of chocolate in them that when you bite into them it oozes chocolate into your mouth."  Both men groan as Liam takes his first bite of lasagna after fetching his own fork.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus." He mutters as he makes a sound similar to Sam's and I can't help but chuckle.

"You are a gift from the Heavens." Liam says in between bites and I can't tell if he's talking to me or the food. I roll my eyes either way.

"Don't worry, Luna! The kitchen will fucking sparkle when you get back! We promise! Right, Alpha?" Liam looks from Sam then to me.

"If I help with the kitchen do I get some brownies?" He asks.

"No." I respond. "Cleaning the kitchen is in repayment for the lasagna that currently has you coming in your pants."

Sam howls with laughter as Liam looks down at his crotch as if to check and see if he actually has a boner.

Ugh, men. 

"Well then what do I have to do to get a brownie?" Liam asks seriously.

I feel like I'm in a high stakes negotiation.

Over baked goods.

What has my life come to?

"You have to go to the school sometime next week and show the kids some self defense moves. They're always asking for you and I know the boys would love it if you fought with them a little."

"Done." He nods and turns back to his food.

"I'll go with him!" Sam adds before getting up and starting the water in the sink to do the dishes.

Note to self: food works as bribery.

"Good." I say. "And take a shower. You both stink."

I turn around to walk out the door as I hear Sam tell Liam, "See, I told you she wouldn't notice you shirtless."

To which Liam smugly replies, "Oh, she noticed."

"She still called you an asshole." Sam shoots back.

"Baby steps, Sam. Baby steps."

The Human's AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora