
"I'll get the Americano for you." Woohyun silently spoke as the two of them stopped in front of a café. Jieun just nodded and followed behind Woohyun.

"One Americano and one Latte please." Woohyun told the waitress who was at the counter.

"Dine in or take away?" The waiter responded. Woohyun turned to Jieun.

"Take away." Jieun answered.

"Okay. Please take a seat first and I'll call out your name later to get the coffee. Umm, could one of you please write down your name?" The waitress asked, handing out a piece of paper. Jieun took over the paper and write down her name on it.

After that, the both of them went to take a seat.

"How long had he got there when I reached?" Woohyun asked.

"About ten minutes, I think." Jieun replied.

"Hmm, did he flirt with you?"

"Hey! Come on...he's married."

"Well, although he's married, you know that he's love you. And I've once told you, I'll try to make you mine, no matter what, so don't flirt with him."

"Even if he loves me, it's useless. We can't be together. But the problem is, he really loves me or not? I don't really believe that he loves me. He left me."

Woohyun remained quiet, seeing Jieun so hurt, but he just couldn't do anything.

"Miss Seo Jieun." The waitress called out. Jieun stood up when Woohyun made her sat back to her seat, and told her, "You'll sit here; I'll go get the coffees."

Woohyun then went to the counter and took the coffee for the both of them, and then they headed outside.

"Where are we going now?" Jieun asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"To the cinema, we'll watch a movie, and then have lunch."

"Sounds good."

"You might end up falling for me. Well, one of my targets. But it's better if you fall for me by yourself."

"Wow, couple dating?" The both of them heard a voice beamed from behind. They turned around. Jieun was surprised to see who it is. She silently gasped.

"When did you come back, Sungjong?" Woohyun smiled and went up to hug him.

"Since two days ago." Sungjong hugged back and smiled.

"It's been a long time, Jieun." Sungjong beamed.


"It's been a year since I last talk to you."

"You're trying to steal my girl away?" Woohyun looked at Sungjong with a serious face.

"Haha, chill Woohyun hyung. I have a girlfriend. Mind to borrow me your girlfriend for a while?" Sungjong asked. "We'll just have a short talk, that's all." He added.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be waiting in front there, Jieun." Woohyun nodded and went away.

"Hah, he's really a kind person." Sungjong spoke as he watched Woohyun went away. "Well, I assumed that you and Woohyun are dating right now."

"He's not my boyfriend. Just a possessive friend."

"Possessive. A good word to describe him. He really is." Sungjong laughed silently. There's a silence between the two of them.

"About a year ago...I'm really sorry about that. Well...actually, sometimes I just couldn't understand why you've forgiven Dongwoo, but not me."

"There's nothing to be forgiven about Dongwoo. And since that moment that you've apologized to me, I've decided to talk to you. But it's just...you know, courage." Jieun looked down to the floor.

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