~Part 9~

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SapNap's POV~

And with that she was gone. Dream looked broken, I watched as he stormed through the crowd of people. I quickly ran to catch up to Dream to make sure he was okay, but I spotted something else. It was a kid, he looked like a mini Dream. I grabbed the kid's wrist, but Niki grabbed the kid pulling him away from me.

"Give me the kid" I ordered

"No, who do you think you are trying to take him" she refused

"Give him to me now" I ordered again. This time Dream came over to help me out. While everyone else just stood behind niki.

"No, he isn't yours you can't take him from us" Phil stated

"Listen to him or I will destroy this place and take the kid by force" Dream said, with a really scary tone. Niki whispered something to the kid before putting him down. I grabbed his wrist and took him away from the crowd of people. They were all whispering, niki crying, tubbo trying to comfort her, and Sam holding Tommy back.

"So why did we take a kid?" George came over questioning their actions.

"Yeah, why did we" Dream asking in a confused voice

"Look at him he looks identical to Dream '' once I said that both of their eyes widened.

"Omg you're right," George said. We both looked over to Dream who looked just as confused as we did.

Dreams POV~

Once SapNap pointed that out I didn't know what to think, I would know if i had a kid...wouldn't I?

"Who's your mom buddy?" I said in a calm voice trying not to scare the already frightened kid. The kid didn't answer me, he was crying while he tried to pull out of Saps grip.

We decided to take him back to the castle instead. Lucky for us George had a sleeping potion on hand. Once the kid was knocked out I settled him in front of me and we rode back home. If I had known we would be kidnapping a kid I would've brought a carriage. On are ride home i had spotted someone on a horse, I couldn't see who the person was but i noticed a brown horse galloping away from L'manburg (it's not Y/n)

Once we made it back to the castle I brought the kid up to one of the guest rooms. I assigned a guard outside of his room, along with a maid to take care of him when he wakes up. The 3 of us were sitting in one of the living rooms, this one was by the main entrance to the castle. '

We all jumped up from our seats when we noticed the door open and through it came a pissed of Y/n.

Y/n's POV~

I was waiting in a cafe at a nearby village. I was sitting waiting for someone to come bring Ryder to me when I saw phill. I quickly jumped up from my seat and ran outside. Phil quickly brought his horse to a stop, before hopping off.

"Phil where is he"

"They took him"

I didn't have time to process what he said before I ran over to Atlas, and quickly hopped on. We galloped out of the village and toward Dreams castle.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS" i screamed as i stormed through the doors. I watched as the guys jumped up from their seats. I stared at Dream as he walked closer to me. I wanted to fall into his arms and have the 3 of us be a family...but we can't and I just need to move on.

"I'll tell you where he is after you answer one question" Dream said as he stood in front of me with SapNap and George standing behind him. I hesitantly agreed "okay, i guess" i knew what the question would be.

And to no one's surprise he asked "who is the father" he asked. What if the kid wasn't mine, why would he just assume that. Yeah he is mine but Ryder looks nothing like me.

"And how do you know the kid is mine?" I said, I had a grin on my face at the look Dream had on his face.

"Is he yours" he asked

"Yeah he is, now where is he"

"You didn't answer my question though"

"Uh..yeah I did, you asked if Ryder was mine and I said yes. NOW WHERE IS HE" i said starting to get impatient. I didn't want to be here anymore, I didn't want to be near Dream. The longer I'm near him the more it's gonna hurt when he gets married.

"Just tell me who the father is" he said starting to get impatient with me

"OMG, HOW BLIND ARE YOU HE IS CLEARLY YOURS." I scream "you happy now, i just want to see him"

"Why did you keep him from me all of these years" he asked in confusion

"Because 1. I didn't want to come back here. I couldn't be here, it would just be harder when you got married and 2. Why would you not be the best influence, I want Ryder to be nothing like you." I paused "now tell me where he is so we could be on are way"

"He is in your old room" he said, I could see the tears forming in his eyes. It must have destroyed him on the inside to know he had a kid and he hasn't been there for him.

I opened the big wooden door, and the first thing I saw was a small bulge in the bed. I walked closer to see the porcelain face of Ryder. I sat next to him in the bed, slightly shaking him. I watched as his oval eyes slowly started to open.

"Good morning sunshine, let's go home" I said in a quiet voice. He nodded his head as he slowly got up.

"You're a good mother" I heard as I looked over to see the whole Dream team watching me. SapNap and George in the front Dream had his back to the wall trying not to make eye contact.

"I try, it's not easy when the father figure in his life is Tommy" i said with a laugh

"I would have been a good father" I heard Dreams mumble to himself.

"Why don't you guys stay here, maybe he could make some friends with kids his own age," George offered.

"Why not, i might be nice for him to get to know his father"

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