~part 8~

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4 years Later (Dreams POV~) (Y/n is 24 and Dream is 25)

We had been searching everyday for the past 5 months for Y/n, no sight of her. We thought the best thing to do would be to move on. I was gonna get married to Willow next month. I didn't want to but it would be the best thing for the Dream SMP.

(Y/n POV~)

It had been 4 years since I ran away, they hadn't found me. I thought once I left I was gonna be done with Dream...but to my surprise I was Pregnant. Tommy and Tubbo left L'manburg and they built some homes across from mine. Ghostbur also came to live with me too.

I ended up having a son, named Ryder. He looked like a mini Dream with his Dirty blonde hair, porcelain skin with freckles that stretched across his nose, and forest green eyes. Tommy and Tubbo were big help during my pregnancy, and so was everyone else. They all came to visit, but we didnt live that close so it was hard to see them as much as we would like.

Today was Bad's birthday and Me, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ryder were all invited to his birthday party. We hooked Atlas up to a carriages, we were all going to L'manburg to celebrate Dad's birthday.

After about an hour we made it to L'manburg. I hadn't realized how much i missed it, yeah it was a piece of crap but i was home. I had unhooked Atlas and put him back in his old stall. Yeah maybe it wasn't as nice as he is used to but he still loved it. Once everyone saw us they all immediately ran up giving us a hug. It had been a while since they all came to visit.

Niki and Minx keep trying to steal Ryder, They have fallen in love with him. We all were having a ton of fun at the party until...The Dream team had come to crash the party.

Everyone was trying to get me out of there before one of them spotted me. Niki was gonna watch Ryder until I could come back to get him.

I ran to the barn to grab Atlas, I had brought the same black hooded cape from the time I ran away from Dream. I hopped in the barn and trotted out. SapNap had spotted me, he was still mounted on blaze and started to chase me. Dream was faster than the both of us though, he had pearled in front of us. Causing Atlas to come to a quick stop.

"And where do you think you're going" Dream said, he had anger in his tone. He was still pissed from my disappearance 4 years ago.

"Away from you" I snapped back. I wasn't going back with him. What was he going to do when he found out Ryder was his son?

SapNap had pulled me off of Atlas. George was holding on to Atlas's rains so he couldn't Run away, while SapNap held my hands behind my back so I couldn't run away. Everyone had come to see what was going on. Karl and Sam were holding Tommy back. Niki and Minx stayed in the back of the Crowd hiding Ryder from Dream's sight.

Dream had walked up to me holding my chin In between his index finger and thumb, forcing me to look up into his green eyes as I struggled to pull out of SapNaps grip. His eyes look identical to Ryders, every part of him looked like him. But looking up into his emerald green eyes made me wanna cry. I was still in love with him.

"Why did you leave me?" he said with sadness in his tone.

"Because Dream i loved you...and you just played with my heart...aren't you married..." i said a tear rolled down my cheek

"Y/n i loved you too. I still do. But before I met you I had agreed to marry a girl named Willow."I had stopped struggling and I just continued to stare at him as he continued to speak "let her go..."

SapNap let go of me, I grabbed Atlas from George. I mounted up, looking over to Niki first and she gave me a reassuring nod that Ryder was safe with her. Then I looked over to Tommy and Tubbo. Karl and Sam had let go of Tommy and they both gave me a reassuring nod that they would be okay. We picked up a gallop and with that we left. I would be staying in a nearby village until I could go back and pick up Ryder...

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