~Part 2~

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"The one and only...Dream"

I looked up to see that creepy ceramic mask. The one that would appear in a nightmare. With that sickening smile and the lifeless eyes. My eyes started to water thinking about what could have happened to my friends back home.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled myself together. I can't break down now. I can't show them I'm weak.

I slid myself back so that I was resting my back against the wall. I refused to look at him. I had to plan my escape, I had to make sure everyone back home was okay.

"I guess you don't want to talk," letting out a sigh out of frustration when I didn't answer. He stood in front of my cell for a couple of minutes before turning around and starting to make his way to the exit.

Keeping his back to me he turned his head to continue speaking.

"If you are willing to cooperate I can switch you from this dingy cell to one of the bedrooms"

I looked up at him and watched as he turned around to face me fully. We both held contact for a couple of seconds before I dropped my gaze back down to the floor. My eyes watered over at the thought of what could have happened to my friends, my home,.... Atlas.

Atlas is my best friend. I found him when I was 16 abandoned on an old abandoned farm. He was around 2, skinny, his black coat was matted and dirty, and he was covered in spur rubs and marks like he had been abused before being abandoned. I never knew my actual parents and Dream, who was my best friend at the time, had just left me so Atlas was like the only family I had. Besides everyone back in L'manburge.

I didn't realize the tears I had been holding back had finally started to make their way down my face. I took a deep breath trying to collect myself, I can't cry now, I can't be weak now.

"Why are you crying?" I heard Dreams' voice. I didn't realize he was still here.

"You can ignore me all you want but its not gonna do you any good"

"Why didn't you just kill me?" I asked in a quiet and raspy voice. Normally Dream would have killed any other enemy by now. So what made me different, what does he want from me?

"I-um" was all he said before stopping. I was still looking at the dull concrete floor refusing to make eye contact with him. Neither of us saying anything.

"You must be hungry, I brought you some food"

"I'm not hungry" I lied. In fact I was Starving. I haven't had an actual meal in weeks. Back in L'manburge food rations are very low so I've always made sure Tommy and Tubbo were put before myself.

"Alright then i'll just leave it here" He said as he slid the plate under the cell door.

I refuse to eat. Maybe if I don't eat Dream will let me go or I'll die in the process. He seems to need me to live for some bigger plan.

Starving myself is a long shot but as of now I don't have any other ideas so this is the best I got. It's better than accepting defeat.


Dream's POV~

It's been 2 weeks since we took her and she hasn't eaten anything, I'm worried. But I can't let her go back, I can't let her go again. But I also can't watch her starve herself to death and if she doesnt start eating I might just have to let her go.

I'm not gonna give up so easily though. I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure she eats something and she stays.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked my 2 friends SapNap and George as I stood up from my chair, resting my hands on my dark wood desk. They looked at each other then looked back at me. All of us stumped on what to do.

"Why don't we just let her do what she wants. She will eat when she gets hungry enough" SapNap said In a very monotone voice

"No, I agree with Dream, we need to do something before she is too weak to even eat," George said in a very concerned voice.

"Maybe we need to get euphoric levels up," George said. It wasn't a bad idea. That cell can't be good for her mental health.

"That's a good idea. I'm gonna move her to a bedroom and get her out of that cell. Top floor with 2 guards stationed outside at all times so she can't escape, we can also take her to see her horse." I half-stated and half ordered.

"Okay...but what are we gonna do if that doesn't work?" SapNap asked a question I really didn't want to think about right now.

"Then I will try harder," I said, raising my voice a little. I'm frustrated, who knew one girl could cause so many problems. "We can't let her go. She's so valuable" Both George and Sapnap stayed quiet.

I walked out of the room and headed to where we keep Y/n. When I got down there she was pale and had not touched any of the food that i had left for her this morning or last night.

"Come on get up, we're going," I ordered. She just looked up at me with her big E/C eyes before looking back down. I watched as she struggled to stand up, her legs threatening to give out from under her. On our way up she kept tripping and she couldnt walk in a straight line.

As we were walking down one of the corridors I heard a loud thud from behind me and when I looked behind me my heart stopped.

I saw her lying on the floor, barely breathing. It must have been weeks since she last ate. I know L'manburge has a short food and knowing her she probably made sure that those stupid brats Tommy and Tubbo ate before herself. Her selflessness is what's gonna kill her.

I went to go check her pulse but it was weak....and then it stopped

"HOSTAGE"~~~DreamXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now