"Well, I don't really want to be friends with anyone. But if I had to choose, I'd say Abraxas. He looks like he'd be extremely loyal to whatever we do." Tom replied as expected. "Well, let's go see Abraxas first." Irene said with a smile as she grabbed his hand to drag him toward where she thought Abraxas would be.

Tom smiled a little bit, "Do you still forget you're a witch sometimes?" He asked as he watched her walk around, head on the swivel for that 'Malfoy Blonde' hair. Irene hummed, "Yeah, sometimes I do but I don't really know. Why?" She asked, blue eyes pausing in their search to look at him for a second before continuing on. "Just use a Point me spell." He inwardly laughed at the face of realization she made and the blush that fought its way up to her cheeks.

With a quick 'point me' to Abraxas at Tom's suggestion, the two made their way to the blonde in question quickly. The boy had been reading in the kitchens and from what Irene could see it seemed to be a book in defense against the dark arts. Silver eyes glanced up over the over of his book before glancing back down.

Suddenly, he did a quick double take and his eyes seemed to light up like all of his wishes came true. "Heir Slytherin, Heiress Black, what brings you two here?" The blonde greeted politely, placing his book down without even bookmarking his page. Irene could already see that he was thinking of ways to bring this conversation in his favor to start an alliance. Lucky enough for him, they were here to form a full-blown friendship.

"We would like to be friends with you. You know join our court and all of that." Irene invited, not really feeling too nervous. After all, she was dealing with an elven year old, and she was mentally about 17. Maybe a bit mature then that by now. Tom nodded in agreement next to her, face blank of any and all emotion.

Abraxas couldn't lie and say Tom Riddle wasn't intimidating with his coal black eyes that seemed to suck all of the information out of his head like a sponge. Staring into the eyes of Tom Riddle was comparable to the aftereffects of encountering a dementor.

Then glancing into Irene's blue eyes was like falling into an icy river from atop a very steep waterfall. Her face was smiling beatifically but her eyes swam with a weird cocktail of longing and indifference. They made a very intimidating pair. A beautiful and clearly perfect for each other pair but intimidating all the same.

"Of course, Heiress Black. I would be honored to be friends with you and Heir Slytherin." Abraxas spoke and he didn't know why those words felt like he was signing his soul away to the devil. This was just a 12 and 11-year-old. Children his own age. So, why did he feel like he was prey right now? Why did the skin of his arms raise with goosebumps from an imaginary chill?

"SO, LET ME get this straight. You want to make your court of me, Yavania Burke and Zackery Yaxley?" Abraxas asked Tom as they all sat at breakfast the next morning. The queen of Slytherin glanced their way multiple times, seeming somewhat disappointed.

Like she was looking for something she didn't seem to be finding. At one point, her and Tom met eyes and there was just an awkward staring contest from all the way across the table. Tom didn't look like he cared enough to look away from the Queen and she looked as if Tom was challenging her right to live.

Abraxas aspired to be as nonchalant as Tom. His father would surely love to meet Tom and he couldn't wait for the owl he had sent home to come back. His father would definitely be proud of him for befriending such high-class people. Somehow, the infamous duo had turned into a trio and would soon be a group of five. That was if everything went according to plan.

"Yeah. Those are the only three people we want to join our court." Tom clarified as he, somehow, elegantly picked at a ham and cheese omelet on his plate. "Well, I can definitely ask Zack if he would like to talk to you after classes. But I think Heiress Black should handle Yavania as you're both females...and its easier for you to connect." Abraxas quickly added in the last part as Irene seemed to raise an offended brow. "You do know you don't have to address us properly now, we're part of the same court." She commented, tone even and amused blue eyes piercing his own silver ones. He could tell she would be the first one to show emotions to the court out of her and Tom. The glue, if you will.

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