21- the brat tamer

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Normally it would be Mirio sitting in for these kinds of meetings as the Young Hero Association's face of U.A. However it was decided someone who was at the USJ attack should be present.

So here M/n was, seated beside the tough stature of Vlad King, his arm still in it's cast, pitifully resting on the table. The heroes around the table were listening to detective Tsukauchi give his report on the police's findings.

"We've investigated the organisation calling themselves 'The League of Villains.' However, no one under the name of 'Shigiraki' has been found in the registry."

M/n's fist involuntarily strained into itself.

"He's of the age 20/30, in possession of the quirk that allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches. The same with Kurogiri, the warp gate user- no citizens have these names under file, and are most likely false. In other words, they are apart of society's underbelly."

All Might went on to call the ring leader's omnipotent ego 'childish'. It felt illegal for M/n to be hearing one of his curator's being flamed like this, like if Shigiraki found out he'd be punished for listening to the bahsing perspective of his character.

Memories of the chamber itched at the sides of M/n's mind, so he bit his lip and forced himself to listen to the skinny man and act unaffected.

"All in all," Tsukauchi was at the end of his report, "72 villains were arrested the other day. All small timers and alleyway lurkers. The problem is how they all agreed to follow that man child and his simple-minded evil."

M/n had to remove his fist from the table in fear of smoking the paper under his sweaty palm. All Might looked up to make eye contact with the boy, he could only offer a 'don't worry' smile, seemingly thinking M/n was fretting about that too.

The detective thanked the heroes, inclining his head when mentioning the efforts of the YHA, and concluded the investigation was being expanded and further interrogated.

"In some sense he's much alike our students." Principal Nezu's words struck M/n like an icy slap, "Still having room to grow, with someone capable backing him and trying to cultivate that malice..."

The principal's sympathetic gaze met the hard stare of his student across the board room.

"Who knows... what problems could come of that. I'd hate to imagine."


The day before school began again, M/n was up bright and early even though he'd gone to sleep at 4am.

He tucked his laptop in it's sleek case and began rifling though his drawers for some important things. After a good twenty minutes of searching, he huffed and went to his twin's room.

"Oi, dumpster-breath, have you seen my science or maths books?" He asked boredly while knocking on Katsuki's door. In under a second his knuckles met air as the door swung forward.

"Do I look like I know where you keep your shit, toilet brush lookin' ass?" The younger of the two retorted.

Patting down his bedhead, M/n pushed past with a roll of his eyes to start looking anyways. The textbooks weren't here either, damnit.
"Oi, oi, get out!" Katsuki yelled while kicking his brother in the ass for the invasion of privacy, "check in dad's fucking office, that's where we dump all our useless books anyways!"

"Fine, thanks." M/n scowled as Katsuki settled back on his bed, smirking slightly he made sure to leave the door a crack open, a scream of annoyance satisfied the older twin as he skipped down the stairs.

Sure enough, tucked in a box in their father's work space was a compilation of the twin's middle school textbooks. Plucking his science and maths from the pile, M/n hesitated at putting the lid back on.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now