23- Do it well

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M/n hadn't felt this way in a long time, buttery and jittery. Warm- in a good way- with excitement.

Katsuki talked to him animatedly about their training schedule; they'd practice in ground gamma, at the park, in the backyard. They'd find all the ways to pack protein into their meals- "can you put protein in a popsicle? Only one way to find out, lanky bastard."

It reminded M/n of when they were kids- mere newbies with powerful quirks thrust upon them. A time before constant hospital checkups and concerned notes about bullying. A time when Katsuki's voice grew hoarse as he cheered on All Might, and they'd play heroes by jumping on the living room couch.

The way his twin's eyes sparkled as they walked inside from a workout left a lopsided smile on the taller boy's face. It'd been too long since he'd felt that positive energy from his brother, and this upcoming event could only bring them closer together.

His smile faded as he swept the door aside and came face to face with his mother. Her numb stare bore into him as she gripped the house phone.
M/n stood there, after wiping his feet on the mat, and bit the inside of his cheek when Katsuki just walked away.

"For you. The association."

The moment she handed him the phone, he held all the breath in his lungs, so careful and quick like capturing a butterfly.

Their fingers brushed as he spun his mantra around his head- don't touch anyone, don't touch anyone, don't- the phone weighed in his clammy hand.

"Thanks." He took it and watched as she only looked at him then turned on her heel. Sighing, he pressed the device to his ear. "Yeah? Oh, really?... I... sure... alright. Great. Be there tomorrow."

The phone beeped as it was placed back in its hold. The house quiet. No-one would ever believe the Bakugou household was capable of holding such stagnant silence, yet when a member of said household took on another load of shame, that was all the walls and inhabitants could bear.

As he passed his mother to go upstairs and stare at the ceiling, as he passed his father tinkering away with designs in his office, as he passed his twin committing genocide on the germs on his teeth, that's all he could feel.

Of what was to come, dripping through the phone into his ear, pooling in his shaky limbs.



This was all too familiar. Keen to make him tremble.

What more could they possibly want? What persistence could possibly strain any more guilt from him? He was already split between minor villainy and major heroism, one chord striking bigger than the other. And not the good side.

He bowed his head to the heavy emptiness, hands sweating profusely upon the sleek black table.

A large screen loomed over him upon the wall, a beige folder between the expanse of his splayed out hands.

This was all too familiar.


The screen crackled into life, making M/n straighten up from his hopeless slump.

Slowly, he turned his head to meet what had caused all this amounting pressure. His reflection, amass a silhouette of someone leaning forward in their chair.

The Commissioner.

"Bakugou... M/n." The old woman's voice was high pitched and gravelly, it unsettled every joint in his body.

"I have another task to be completed. In due time... you will be representing the association in the U.A sports festival." Between each clump of words she drew a crackly breath, "correct?"

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now