52 - who do you fight for? (stain aftermath)

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As the four young heroes emerged from the alley, with Stain's seemingly unconscious body being dragged along, they were met with Gran Torino, a man M/n had only read about in books.

"Sir," M/n bowed his head, settling his injured cargo carefully onto the concrete, "we're glad you're here."

"Many a disturbance has happened here tonight, and I intend to find out why." the old man lowered his glare, making M/n feel uneasy. "You're the young man Midoriya speaks so highly of. Do you wish to prove yourself? There may be more villains lurking about."

Standing up straighter, M/n matched the old man's gleam and smiled, the cut in his arm long forgotten. "Of course, sir-" he found himself cut off when a pair of talons sunk into his shoulder blades, tearing through layers of sinew and meat, piercing through his collar bones.

How had he not heard the great beast approaching? Cries of his name grew grew distant as his feet trailing on the ground were lifted into the air, a body and protruding wings shadowed above his sagging form. "Aniki!" Both Todoroki and Izuku called out with blood-curdling fear.

Pain seared through his back and chest as he was torn away from the group, the monster above him growling and huffing, almost as if it was excited with its catch. Struggling to look up, M/n caught sight of a hideous brain and ruptured eye-socket, the creature releasing screeching wails through its mask, its vocal-chords shuddering the last bit of sense in the hero's body . A nomu, M/n froze, they made another nomu. How?

In the matter of a second the creature was pounced upon as its body seized up and came crashing to the ground. Stuck underneath, M/n wheezed as the talons poked further through him, widening the gape through flesh, blood beginning to choke his oesophagus as he yelled, trying to hurt the beast and push it off. 

The talons slipped backwards at an agonising pace, as the creature was shoved off his form by another pair of bloodied hands. "This is all.." the creature was put down with a stab to the brain, "..to create a more just society." Stain's mouth was dripping saliva, knife clutched in his heavy hand.

Hero and vigilante locked eyes, causing M/n's heart to seize up and shrivel. It frightened M/n. How they both had red eyes, set on separate war paths, crossing diligently as the world shattered around them. 

"I'll ask you again..." Stain's voice indicted a harsh growl, panting like a wild predator in an urban setting, "Who do you fight for?" He swiftly brought the cusp of the silver blade to M/n's spasming throat, which was filled with scorching blood like a sinking boat, with no way to scoop it out and breathe. He needed to breathe.

When he opened his mouth a fraction wider, he was cut off. "And don't you dare say 'my mother'." The villain loomed over him, breath warming M/n's wincing face with a stoic seriousness. 

"For the people.." M/n shuddered, the words escaping him as the blade practically strangled every grain of oxygen he could scrape, "..that believe they don't ..deserve.. to be.. saved." 

The boy's eyes were ferociously clear, and it struck Stain that he meant every word. This could even be his last breath and dying words, yet he was willing to admit the truth. "Huh."

Stain retracted the knife, watching the boy's chest go up and down, weaker and weaker, yet still fighting to live. "No wonder they called you 'Aniki'."

The older Bakugou's head dropped like a stone, gurgles of blood trailing past his lips and staining the cement.

The corpse of the nomu was still draped over him, the elasticity of its wing almost transparent overhead like an umbrella.

He almost felt sorry for it as he fell into an unsettling unconsciousness, never to hear Stain's final speech, or to know why he had been spared. He would never know Stain had called him a true hero with his very last breath.


Being almost dead was a strange thing, most would agree, but for Bakugou M/n it was an unwavering knot tied every now and again into his string of fate. He would never be sure if he was worth being mourned over, if his parents would weep over his body. If his brother would settle his dream to be peaceful at his bedside.

It was unlikely, as M/n was aware he was not as important as most people's dreams.

There was one thing he could be sure of however, in fact he could prove it right now, as he gasped and shot up in bed.

 He was alive.


A nurse had come by as he rang the emergency bell over and over again, she was shocked at first to see her patient sitting up and using his strength to call for aid, yet that slowly transformed into frustration as he still clasped the bell, tugging and tugging, almost blind to her presence in the room.

He was blank eyed and panting, drool escaping down his chin, as he could only tell his body to do one thing. Ring, ring, ring.

"It's alright, dear, let's stop this nonsense now. You're safe." she gently unclasped his hand and it dropped to his legs. He was bent forward, chest heaving up and down, greedily sucking in breath after breath. "It's alright," she soothed him, rubbing circles into his back.

When he finally looked up at her, the fog clearing from his sunken irises, she cast him a wary glance. "Would you like me to call your family? I'm sure they must be worried about you."

"That's the.. stupidest thing I've ever heard." he managed to choke out past the slim tube in his mouth. "My friends.. are they okay?"

His three friends were indeed alright, as they burst into his private room to see him. "Aniki!" Midoriya wailed, pulling M/n into a strong, unyielding hug.

"Midoriya, give him a chance to breathe!" Iida found himself chuckling, as the older brother almost looked shocked at the affection. No-one knew he hadn't been held like that in years.

"You guys... are doing alright?" he asked, as they settled beside him, their heads bowed almost ashamedly.

"We were told off by the chief of police," Todoroki admitted sheepishly, glaring at his clenched fists, "but the mutt told us Endeavour would take the credit, and we're off the hook. Not enough witnesses, and the heroes will keep their mouths shut about us being there."

"Huh.. That's good. That's good news." M/n sighed, allowing his strained eyes too close as he leant into his pillows. He suddenly shot forward, startling the three boys. "Wait, did you say mutt?"

"Long story." Iida chuckled, glancing around the empty room, then letting his soft gaze land upon the boy stranded in a hospital gown with wires and tubes connected to every orifice.
His chest taped up, yet some blood seeped through like mulled wine on a tablecloth. It was bad enough having one older brother in hospital, two was a curse.

"Tell me, then." Iida's head shot up at the sound of his Aniki's breathless chuckle. "Tell me, because I'm alive, and I have all the time in the world to listen to you."

The three's shock subsided, and their faces softened consequently. Here he was, battered and ripped to shreds, yet content to have as much time with them as he could.

They'd never know how grateful they were to have someone like him to make a place like this so bright.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now