Chapter 52.

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Adrianna's POV.

I must have fallen asleep after last night. I still remembered it all, of course I did. It wasn't a dream it was a memory one I had obviously suppressed until now. I was still cuddled into Derek's side, his arms wrapped round me tightly, like a cocoon but I didn't mind it made me feel safe and protected something I hadn't felt since I was last in this bed which I think may have been 8-9 months ago.

While with Hayley and Jack I never really slept too terrified that Foyet would break in and hurt them, when in reality all he had to do was pretend to be a friend. I don't understand how I'd been so stupid, I should have called Hotch or Derek to make sure, I was just paralyzed. I'd noticed the wetness on my cheeks which I wanted to wipe away but my arms had been pinned around Derek's waist.

He had noticed me struggling to escape his grasp and woken up, immediately noticing my tears, wiping them away with his thumb and kissing the top of my head. "What happened last night, Princess?" I didn't particularly want to talk about it but I owed him an explanation.

"I remembered something he did to me, he stuck his fingers into my wounds and just moved them around inside of me, I remember screaming in pain, I remember him whispering he was going to kill Jack slowly and I remember trying to get away but I was in so much pain but I needed to get to Jack but I couldn't. It just hurt so much." I say breaking again into tears and sobs wracked through my whole body. "I can still feel him doing it, his fingers moving, the pain. I still feel everything".

Derek just hugged me until I felt like I'd calmed down, "Do you wanna shower first? Or me?" he asked, I knew he'd left my memory situation alone because he understood I didn't want to talk about it and that's what I loved about him, that he listened but didn't push for anything else.

"Can we shower together? I just don't want to be alone" my voice small that if you didn't know me or the situation, you'd think I was extremely shy. He just nodded and helped me to my feet, guiding me to the bathroom. While he turned the shower on and sorted the temperature knowing I hated it when it was extremely hot like how he liked his showers, I took my top off and examined the scars from the stab wounds along with the small round circle where the bullet had entered my body. I never called my scars ugly because I viewed them more as battle wounds but after Santini I didn't think I'd gain anymore, how wrong was I?

Derek had wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, which caused me to flinch a little and it didn't go unnoticed by him, but he chose not to bring it up. "You are beautiful" his statement was simply, honesty in every word but I just couldn't see what he saw in this moment of time. I looked down and back up to the mirror when his fingers started tracing my scars and he kissed the ones on my back that had been caused by Santini. I swiveled in his arms, so I was facing him and kissed his lips, him almost instantly responding and taking control of the kiss. His tongue licked my bottom lip to ask for permission, which I granted him. His hands moved to my bum when he whispered into my mouth "Jump" I did and wrapped my legs around his waist while he placed me on the counter. Me now slightly taller than him, as I ran my fingertips and hands over his abs and chest.

He pulled away "We should probably shower; I don't think we should do this until you're ready and not just upset" and once again he was correct. He helped me off the counter and he washed my hair, his fingers massaging my scalp causing small moans to escape my lips, to which he chuckled at.

Once out of the shower we got ready for the day. 

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