Chapter 28.

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Derek's POV.

Once we had all had dinner, we ordered some for Adri and Hotch to take away so I could give them it when I got back. I knew Hotch wouldn't want to leave her tonight, but I was going to be next door, so I'd force him out if I had to. Hotch sometimes forgot that he needed to have a life outside this job as well, especially with Haley and Jack at home. That's one thing I never wanted to do was put my job before my significant other whether they be a girlfriend or wife. That was a scary thought if I was being honest, having a wife. I know the team see me as a player because I never had anything serious with anyone but with this job, I felt like there wasn't any time. I wouldn't want to put them second to this job and at the moment I feel like that's what would happen.

However, when I met Adrianna, I could see a future with her. I didn't know why it was her, but I felt like I needed to protect her and be there constantly for her to help her. When Gideon told me that she couldn't be what I needed. I was confused as to what he meant whether it was physically or mentally. What if I was what she needed and maybe she wasn't what I'd normally go for, but she stood out in a crowd even if wasn't trying and that's who I looked for.

Knocking on his door to the room as he gave his key to Hotch, balancing the burger and fries in his hand the door opened quietly revealing Hotch, who as always had his stoic face on, he looked pained and tired which I didn't blame him. He stepped aside letting me in, I knew he wasn't going to leave when I first got there so I handed him his and Adri's burger and fries. He took them saying a small thank you and taking them into the next room. I closed the door and decided to shower and change. This took about 20 minutes thinking if I spent too long in the bathroom, I would end up seeing Adri on that bed and that was not a sight I wanted to see.

I opened the door adjoined to Adri's and Hotch looked up at me, he was sat beside her bed like you would do to a patient in a hospital. I nodded him into my room not wanting to have this conversation in Adri's room, not wanting to wake her. "Hotch go shower, change and get some rest. I can keep an eye on her tonight I am here anyway, there's no point in two of us not getting any sleep" I spoke quietly still conscious of waking Adri up. He just nodded, looking back at Adri conflict dancing in his eyes and internal debate to whether this was a good idea or not. He released a breath walking to the door "Just Morgan, if she does anything please tell me tomorrow, okay?" I just shooed him out the door mumbling a yes to his question.

I started packing my things considering we were leaving first thing after picking up Lila to take back to Quantico with us. I started hearing whimpering and I knew what was going to come next, so I ran through to Adri shaking her awake "Get off me" she yelled her voice getting caught in her voice as tears came to her eyes again "Adri, it's me Morgan, you're safe" she came round to realize it was me "I'm sorry, really sorry. I need to shower I can feel him on me" her subject of the sentence changing quickly. I got off the bed before starting the shower for her, sending her in with a towel and underwear, she picked out "Ummm do you mind if I borrow one of, your shirts I Kinda don't have any more suitable to sleep in" she asked as if she felt guilty for asking. I rushed into my room grabbing a grey V-neck t-shirt for her which she took with her into the bathroom.

She had been in there for a good hour before she reemerged from the bathroom, in my shirt to which she looked like an actual goddess. It came to just above her knees and cut down just enough to see the top of her cleavage, she looked better in it than I did however, clique that may sound. She brushed through her hair "I bought you some dinner back although it might be cold by now" I said trying to break the silence. "I'm not hungry but thank you for bringing it me though" her entire demeanor was closed off and small, it was the complete opposite to when I met her in that gym back then she looked confident and fierce, like she would take on anyone that came at her but now she looks like she'd submit to anyone who politely asked her to. She was not the same person; I didn't expect her to be. I knew that she wouldn't be exactly the same with how she managed to sound in that letter, but whatever he did to her, wait I knew what he had done to her I just didn't want to admit it to myself, but whatever had happened had drastically changed her overnight.

From what I gathered from Gideon is she did a lot of self-building on herself when he took her in leaning defense, to shoot a gun, she went to college and I was surprised to hear she has an IQ nearly higher than Reid's hers was like 167 but she didn't come across the same as Reid, but Gideon had said she was like that before her whole I'm recreating stage. Gideon said she became confident, self-independent and incredibly strong both mentally and physically, Hotch had actually told me she hadn't seen one therapist after the one initial one she had to take to confirm she wasn't influenced by Marcus. That's how they found out about her IQ.

She got into her bed and I turned to go in to mine mumbling a good night before she stopped me "Can you actually stay in here tonight?" I turned and walked over crawling in next to her pulling her close, making sure she was okay with it "It's different with you, I don't feel threatened the complete opposite actually I feel safe" she said snuggling her face into my chest. The action just made me pull her closer our legs intertwining with each other reminding me she only had my shirt and underwear on. We both fell into a peaceful slumber neither of us wanted to wake from. 

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