Chapter 38.

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Adrianna's POV.

I managed to get to the end of the street before I heard someone calling my name, I already looked like a drowned rat with my mascara that was no doubt running down my face my clothes stuck to me and all I could think about was how I had to get away from that house. It's like no matter how hard I try Marcus Santini will always be in my life one way or another whether that be in the same house or someone asking me if I was the girl who was kidnapped for 15 years, when that happens it's like I'm a pop star they want know what it was like and how he behaved, they didn't take into consideration what I felt when they asked me because I'm just the girl who was kidnapped, they don't care what happened to me or those other girls and that's how it felt when Rossi asked me about an interview, did he really think I would want to relive that whole experience over again, I just wanted people to forget it ever existed.

"Adrianna!" it was Morgan calling me, but while I was thinking I hadn't realized how he'd managed to catch up with me. I looked at him with a sorry look, the alcohol having worn off, so it no longer had its desired effect. He pulled me into a hug and I just broke down, I had kept everything to myself since Marcus not wanting to burden people with my problems, "Come on Princess you can sleep at my house tonight" this had me slightly confused as I assumed, he'd have a flat or apartment, but he definitely said house.

He walked me to his car saying he'd only be a minute while he went and told Hotch where I was saying. He came with a bag which I assumed was for me and that Hayley had packed it. Driving to his house was peaceful it's like Derek knew exactly what to do to cheer me up, the radio was playing quietly for some background noise and we came up to a quiet street in a nice neighborhood and this just confused me even more. Like Derek had sensed my confusion he decided to explain "I build up properties and sell them on, this was the first house I did and was super proud of how it turned out and fell in love, so I moved in instead of selling it" it made a lot more sense now that he had explained it to me, it wasn't like he had a secret family with a wife and two kids.

He led me into the house and showed me around and I must say the interior design was beautiful, it was something I would for in a house. He showed me to his guest bedroom which was just plain white walls and a grey bed with grey sheets on it. It also had its own on suit, so I decided to wash off all my makeup and change my clothes. I was searching through my bag when I realized whoever packed my back forgot about pyjamas. I could ask Derek id I could borrow one on his shirts I'm sure he wouldn't mind, but then would it fuel this little crush I had on Derek which wouldn't be a good thing Hotch would kill us.

I walked down the hall to his room and knocked on the door "Come in" I heard a shout, he was lay in his bed reading what looked to be a case file or something and his top half was shirtless showing off his abs and chest, "I umm can I borrow a shirt please, whoever packed this bag didn't pack any pyjamas" he stood up and smirked, "Did you think that was maybe because I wanted you to wear my clothes" my jaw hung low, meaning Derek packed my bag, meaning he went through my stuff and my underwear draw.

He handed me a shirt and I walked into his bathroom he had and changed; I didn't feel like going to bed just yet so I am going to ask if I could hang with him for a while. His shirt came to my mid-thigh but covered all the naughty areas. Walking out he looked up and stared at me "Well you can keep that shirt, it looks better on you than it ever has on me" he spoke causing me to giggle a little "There it is, that adorable smile" I rolled my eyes and joined him on the bed. "Is it okay if I hang with you for a while, I'm not really tired" I asked, and he nodded opening his arms for me to cuddle into which I did. He was warm so the cover on the bed wasn't necessary yet.

He was talking me through this case file he had been looking through and said if I told anyone I he was doing this he could lose his job and would kill me, he means it all in a jokingly manner, but I promised to keep my mouth shut. I looked up at him when he stopped talking to find him already staring at me. We were looking at each other taking intervals and looking at each other's lips, before he crashed his onto mine. 

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