Chapter 40.

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Adrianna POV.

Today was my date with Derek and to say I was excited was an understatement, Hayley said I was bouncing off the walls or whatever that means and Hotch this morning asked if I had any coffee which he knew I wouldn't, but I guess it was the only explanation for my behaviour. Luckily Hayley told him what was happening, and he looked really happy for me as if he was proud, I was allowing another person into my life so intimately. Jack was taking advantage of my mood and we were playing all day considering it was school holidays and I had texted all my clients at the gym that it was closed for today and the whole weekend.

It got to around 4:30pm when I decided to go have a shower and get ready considering Derek was coming at 6pm it gave me about an hour and a half to get myself ready. This was the first time I was actually looking forward to a date, yes, I had been on some, but I never felt comfortable, I always felt like they only wanted one thing and they were definitely not going to get that from me, but with Derek it felt different, it felt like I could actually have a life if this worked out.

While in the shower I shampooed and conditioned my hair while having Artic Monkeys playing in the background. I then shaved every part of my body deciding I was going to wear the dress I bought the other day for this special occasion; I think this was the first time I've worn a dress since I was maybe 11 even then I doubt that was willingly. Allowing the water to run over my skin washing away all the shampoo and dirt I'd acquired from playing with Jack during the day.

Stepping out the shower and going into the closet, I laid my the dress on the bed with some black lace panties, to give me some extra confidence, I mean I hadn't slept with someone willingly, so it wasn't like me and Derek were going to sleep with each other tonight, it was purely for my own self-confidence, I'll just keep telling myself that. I don't even know why I had thought that. Plugging in the hair dryer I dried my hair and curled it into loose beach waves, to give my hair some volume and a look. I only had around 35 minutes left to get ready, and I'd already packed my bag for staying at Derek's this weekend.

I decide on light makeup so some, dark red matt lipstick, with a smokey burnt red eyeshadow to match the dress I had bought and applied gold eyeliner to match with the strappy gold heels I'd bought to match the dress along with some mascara. I put on my undies already felling more ready, it was amazing what a pair of lace underwear could do to a girls confidence. The dress fit me perfectly. I felt a little off balance in the heels but hopefully I'd be able to hang onto Derek the whole night so I wouldn't fall.

I looked in the mirror and the girl staring looking back at me didn't look like me, she looked normal like she grew up normal, like if she was walking down the street, you'd think yeah, she grew up in a two stories house with a white picket fence, with two loving parents who spoiled their child rotten, but that wasn't me, but I'd like to think it was the life I had. Walking down the stairs I hear Hotch and Hayley playing with Jack creating a whole load of noise, Jacks giggles being the most Prominet.

I stood in the doorway watching Hotch tickle Jack smiling, it made a change lately Hotch and Hayley had been fighting over his job, Hotch loved his job and his family but it sounded like Hayley was trying to make him pick between the two, which in my opinion wasn't fair but I told myself I'm not getting involved I just keep Jack occupied while they fight so he doesn't notice. To be honest I think I've overstayed my welcome, I mean I've still been paying for my apartment even though the bills are significantly cheaper considering nothing is being used but I'm starting to feel like I'm intruding.

"You look beautiful Adri" Hayley says pulling me into a hug, I could see the glass of wine on the side table next to where she was sitting so she was obviously a little bit tipsy. Hotch and Jack look up at me and Hotch has this fatherly look on his face that says I'm proud of you but also says I'm glad you're moving on while Jack just looked at me as if I was a princess. Jack came running up to and I caught his swinging him around, making him giggle "You look so pretty sister" I froze, he just called me his sister which I wasn't because that would mean Hotch is my dad and that's just weird but how am I meant to react to this, no doubt Hotch caught onto my reaction as he smiled.

Just then the doorbell rang "Thank you buddy, can you go get the door for me" he nods his head and runs to the door. "You look beautiful Adri" Hotch says coming over to give me a hug, I think it was more to calm my nerves than anything else. "He just called me his sister, should we tell him I'm not, should I start calling you dad?" I try to joke at the end, he smiles "Adrianna you are in every way other than biologically his sister, and please don't call me dad, don't need people thinking I had a child at 17" he smiles. Jack comes in dragging Derek in "Thanks for bringing the trash in buddy" Derek scoffed at this as I went to pick up my weekend bag, "Yeah well the trash can leave you here if you'd like that" his playful tone telling me it's going to be a good night. He grabs my bag from me and takes my hand after saying bye to everyone and leads to his car.

He opens my car door for me while smiling "Whoever said chivalry is dead, was a liar" he laughed and closed my door putting my bag in the back and starts driving to wherever we were going. "So, are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" I ask my voice full of hope he just shakes his head "It's a surprise" was his reply, nothing more nothing less and let's not forget I hate surprises. We pull up to an Italian restaurant "Hope you like Italian" he steps out coming round to my door and opening it offering me his hand, which I take.

We walk up to the hostess at the front of the restaurant "Hi, table for two name is Morgan" Derek speaks with such confidence and ease. The hostess leads us through the restaurant to the back where's there's a balcony that looks out onto a Harbour full of boats, while there's fairy lights and lanterns strung around the balcony. It was stunning. "Was this a tip from Rossi?" I ask, his name still a bitter, I had decided to forgive him even though I hadn't spoken to him since Hotch's party get together thing. Derek shakes his head "No it's not, it was a recommendation from Gideon he said in the letter he wrote to me that Italian was your favorite and left a few suggestions" I look down now remembering that he left me and that I still hadn't read my letter. I couldn't because then I'd be accepting that he left me and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

After that we ordered and the conversation and aurora around us became light and fun. We couldn't stop smiling and my cheeks were beginning to hurt. He paid for both meals even after our 10-minute argument over it and we decided to take a walk along the docks.

It was quiet and calm, peaceful. I had taken off my heels because I didn't want them to get stuck in any of the spaces in the dock and also because they were starting to my feet. Derek pulled me to him and I looked up at him. He started to lean in for a kiss before I ran off shouting "If you want a kiss you've got to catch me first" my voice being carried in the wind. I could hear his footsteps behind me before I felt arms wrap around my torso and felt his lips near my ear whispering a "Gottcha". I giggle and spun around crashing my lips onto his, this moment couldn't have been any better.  

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