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Someone asked me for a timeline of the Omniverse so heres a basic gist of what happens up until present day.

The omniverse was started with everything that was, is, and ever will be in mind.

King James and Queen Charlene take power.

Prince Matthew is born. Because of his immense power a virus is attached to his code. The Virus seeks a way to stabilize Mattie's code. The Virus takes hold of the "Lost Generation" and uses their stable code to stabilize Mattie's. The Lost Generation was the young people of that time ranging from very young children to people in their mid Twenties.

The Lost Generation is no longer talked about.

Matthew becomes lonely and creates Matthieu. Matt's code isn't whole so the virus attaches to him instead.

The guards begin to torment Matt.

Matt decided to train in guard work so he can defend himself. The Virus starts taking over his mind.

Matthews crown prince ceremony. Matthieu is almost completely Virus riddled.

Terrance is killed by Matthieu and his death is never found out.

Matthew goes on his first big trip to an AU. He is there for a month in universe time. When he returns Matthieu has completely erased any memories of him.

Matthew attempts to erase Matt's code when he realizes the Virus is there.

Matthieu freaks out and goes on his rampage. So many Watchers are killed and discarded into the various Multiverse's.

The Omniverse is torn into multiple parts.

Queen Charlene is killed and Matthew is tossed into a multiverse.

Matthew vows never to interfere again.

Matthieu begins his hunt for Matthew.

King James performs a reset on the Center and brings any Watchers there back to life. There are side effects of this reset such as Quren Charlenes blindness.

Future Queen Rachel is born.

Dark King Charlie is born.

Fate and Destiny take power in Matthew's multiverse as lesser gods.

Prince's Adam and Nick are born.

Young Princess Skylar is born.

The events of EFNF happen. That alternate Refresh timeline is closed off.

Matthew becomes more active watching the multiverse again.

Young Prince Peter is born.

The Muliverse replaces all the missing pieces i.e. multiverse Ink and Error and others.

The multiverse begins to get crowded. It attempts to find someone to correct itself. The test is conducted on several groups across the multiverse but ultimately Sevwn and Crayola won out because of they care they had for each other in the "Lost In Space" story.

Matthew realizes the multivers will fall apart unless he helps. Reluctantly he inserts himself into the equation.

Seven attacks his "friend" after he was saying something bad about Crayola.

Crayola and Seven fight. They're sucked into the Multiverse to fill Destiny and Fate's places respectively.

During the collapse of the multiverse Matthew accepts his death.

Adventures in The Omniverse: A Refresh StoryWhere stories live. Discover now