No Money

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Remember that one Human AU?

   Mum and Dad always said no. They didn't have the money. We didn't have the money. I would ask for a candy bar and mum said no. "Honey a candy would last only a couple days. If we get the big soda we can have soda for a whole week!" That made sense. Why get some chocolate for two days when we could have something to drink all week? I learned to stop asking for things. The money got sparser and sparser. And then dad left. And mum got sick. 

   I was six when I went to the Miraculous'. Mattie, my new "Older brother" (How is he the big brother? hes tiny!), got a lot of things! Cookies, candy, toys! I never asked for anything. 

   Charlene, (I was supposed to call her mum, I think, but she wasn't mum. Mum was somewhere else. Just like James wasn't dad.) had friends over for Christmas when I was 7. They had a little boy mine and Mattie's age. Taylor. He was nice. 

   We were shopping. Taylor had picked out an action figure and a new bow tie. Mattie was clutching a sketchbook and some crayons. I had nothing. 

   "Hey bud, don't you want anything?"

   I looked up at James. "Mum says we don't have the money. I can't pay you back."

   James got the... saddest look in his eyes. He kneeled down. "Buddy... You pick anything you want."

   "But I don't got no money!" 

   "Matthieu... Pick something. It's alright." 

   I ended up getting a stuffed bunny. He was a black bunny with a little blue nose and bowtie. He was cute. If I had more presents that year, no one complained. 


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