Castle Pt. 3

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"Charlene, my love, we have a visitor." James called in a soft tone.

Matthew held his breath as Charlie ran off somewhere else inside the palace. His mother was inside this room. He finally got to see her again.

Charlene looked towards the voice. There was a young toddler cradled in her lap taking a nap. "Who is it James?" Her eyes were a milky color no where close to her old golden brown.

James crept in and carefully took the child. "Matthew. It's Matthew."

Charlene gasped and looked toward the door. "Mattie? Is it true? Come here."

Matthew hesitated before he walked over. "Mum..?"

Charlene rested her hand on her eldest's cheek. "Oh Mattie... It's you."

"Mum. I missed you so much.", Matthew buried his face in his mums neck. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Oh my baby. You're okay." Charlene whispered pressing kisses all over her boys head. "Your face has changed. Glasses... is this a scar?"

"Yes mum. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt." Matt smiled happily.

Charlene smiled. "Oh James be a dear and go introduce the rest of the children! Ill catch up I just need to clean myself up."

James chuckled bouncing the baby. " You already met Charlie. This is Peter. The youngest. Come on. Ill show you everyone else."

"How many are there?" Matthew asked wiping at his face.

"Four you haven't met." James hummed dragging his son off.

Charlene sniffled and stood up. "I know you're there."

Matthieu hiccuped to himself. His breathing had semi returned but his panic was still on high. How? How could she know? It has to be a trick.

"Matthieu." Okay. Not a trick.

Matthieu settled his feet on the floor. "Your majesty." He started to sink to his knees as he had been taught.

Charlene caught him. "Oh Matthieu..." She whispered rolling his sleeve up. It was a wonder she could even touh him. She ran her hand across the zig zag of scars on his upper arms. "The guards did this to you did they not?"

"How did you...? Why are you so nice to me? I almost killed you."

"Oh child. You were young. You wanted affection like what Mattie had. You never got it. Instead you got these scars... And you died."

"Not technically."

"I still assume that being pulled apart in the void can not feel very good."

"You know about that?"

"Of course I do. I'm a mother. A blind woman yes, but a mother first." She pulled the spirit into a gentle hug.

Matthieus lip trembled as he hugged back. Oh he missed her. This was the death he felt most guilty about. She had always been so kind... He shifted a little. He wanted off his feet. They hurt. They hurt. He felt himself being tugged to wherever Matthew was.

"Come. Mattie will be waiting for us." Charlene gave a quick smile.

Matthieu nodded and lifted hisfeet off the ground. Better. "Your majesty."

"Where did all this your majesty come from? What happend to mama Charl?"

"Well I-"


"Yes Mama Charl."

Charlene smiled and went to pull Matthieu away. "My dear be my eyes if you don't mind."

"Alright." Matthieu smiled a little.

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