Mattie, Karma, and Crayola meet ???

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Official debute of Destiny!Errors new name!!!


Karma hopped through the portal after Matthew and Crayola. "This isn't where we were trying to go."

"No you think?" Matthew asked sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Don't sass me Lavender Soap." Karma huffed.

"Ladies ladies your both pretty. Kiss and make up kay? I wanna get out of here but Matt can't make portals." Crayola yawned. It was to early in the morning for this.

"What? You can't portal out of here?" Karma asked and promptly tried to open his own portal.

"If i can't portal what makes you think you can?!" Matthew huffed.

'He's stupid Mattie.' Matthieu spoke but of course... he couldn't be heard.

'Shut up.' Matthew thought with a pointed glare at the spirit. "The omniverse has to have a reason for this then. Once it's done we will be able to leave."

"What kind of reason?" Crayola asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet." Matthew hummed and tried to open a code panel. Great that's blocked too. The Omniverse better have a damn good reason.

"This is stupid." Karma huffed.

"Calm down you big baby. I'm sure it'll be over soon." Matthew leaned on Karma a bit and rubbed at his left eye. His vision had gone blurry again.

Karma's face softened. "Is your scar bothering you again?"

"I'm fine."

"Maybe you aren't. What if you go permanently blind in that eye?" He asked pressing a kiss into his hair. "I'm worried about you purple prince."

"Chill out glitchy I'm okay." Matthew smiled.

"Ew. This is worse than watching ny dads be all lovey dovey." Crayola huffed and pouted.

'Uh... Mattie.'

"Oh no we're showing affection." Karma dramatically swooned.


Matthew smiled and also swooned. "The affection and love we have had killed our beloved Crayola."


"Guys cut it out!!" Crayola squeezed embarrassed.

'MATTHEW!' Matthiue screeched and made Matthew wince every so slightly.

Matthew huffed. 'What?' he thought.

'That!' Matthieu pointed.

Matthew looked in that direction and saw two figured in the distance. They were clearly disoriented. He frowned and went to walk over.

"Starshine?" Karma asked as he stopped tickling Crayola. When did they get into a tickle match anyway?

Matthew frowned and just continued walking. "Hello? Are you two okay?"

The figured staggered. The taller was clearly supporting the smaller. The taller looked up. "Hello? Who are you?"

"My name is Matthew. I'm here to help!" Matthew got closer and he faltered. Impossible.

"Matthew?" The taller figure looked up. He looked... familiar but from long ago. The smaller was female and looked injured.

'Mattie...' Matthieu started.

Matthew froze a few feet from them and stared. This had to be a dream... The taller stared right back. Tears built up in his eyes. "Matthew..."

The smaller lifted her head. Her leg was clearly bothering her. "Mattie..?"

Matthew staggered and his knees buckled. "Mom? Dad?"

Karma and Crayola both went silent and looked at the figured in front of Matthew. His parents? But he said that Matthieu killed them!

"Mattie! Oh baby." Charlene broke out of James' arms and collapsed in front of her son. "Oh look at you. Baby.." her hands trembled and she placed them on his cheeks carefully.

Matthew leaned into the touch as tears trickled down his face. "Mom."

James joined his wife and son on the ground. "Oh Matthew. Look how you've grown."

"Dad." Matthew trembled and buried his face in his moms shoulder. "Mom!"

Karma and Crayola held back... They needed this moment. Matthieu stayed silent as his eyes glazed over. He looked away.

"Matthew what happened? How did you get here? How did we get here? The last thing I remember is your coronation and then nothing..." James spoke softly.

Matthieu jolted. They don't remember? He felt sick. Can a ghost even get sick? Oh well.

"Where's Matt? Is he okay too?" Charlene asked.

Matthews lip trembled. "I-Its a long story..."

"Starshine. Portals work again." Karma spoke up softly.

The small family looked up. "Mattie who is this?"

Matthew sniffled and stood up. "Mom. Dad this is Karma. He uh... We're-"

"They're dating. Hi im Crayola nice to meet both of you!" Crayola chirped holding his hand out.

Matthew flushed snd covered his face. "Crayola...."


Matthew looked up. His parents were fading away... His stomach flipped. "Mom. Dad no!"

Charlene smiled. "Oh baby... I guess we can't stay... I love you Mattie."

"I love you son." James whispered.

Matthew can't do this. Not again. " Please don't leave." He whispered clutching them close. "I love you."

And they were gone.

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