2.05 ~ The Trail

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Walking into the courtroom, Rosalie had never felt so vulnerable even with her parents, Mickey, and the Gallaghers following right behind her. After her moment with Ian a couple hours prior, she hasn't uttered a word. Therefore, it wasn't hard to sense the solemn tension covering to the group even with Fiona trying to keep everyone's hopes up. Yet, no one was taking the possible outcome harder then Rosalie and Lip, not even the formers parents.

"Everyone please be seated," the judge said to the large group. "So my file says this case is custody problem. And the mom is passed on, I'm sorry for your loss. What I'm confused about is why we are having a problem between foster parents and biological father? Ms. Anderson can you explain to me, why you prefer to stay with Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Ball?"

Standing up and straightening her dress she answered the question, "Yes ma'am. I would so much rather stay with my parents, Kev and Vee because when I was 6, I was placed into their home. They've taught me how do everything I love and support me every step of the way. When I came into their life's, I was a 6 year old girl who had been through more then the average adult and they helped me be a kid. In those beginning years of my life, I had never had a father figure as Troy wasn't in my life so when I came into their home, Kev showed me a type of love I never thought I would experience, he loved me like I was his daughter, without question. Before my biological mom passed she was an addict and was bipolar so she could only care for me to the best of her ability but it wasn't the way a mother should love her child, yet again Vee loved me the way I deserve to be. They introduced me to the most influential people in my life, the Gallaghers and Mickey. The Gallaghers are a family of 6 siblings that live a couple houses down the street and have been a big part of my life. Fiona is like the older sister I always wished for, she taught me how to work hard for the things and people I love. Ian is my best friend, and he teaches me to love who I love unconditionally and without guilt. Debbie is like my little sister, she helps me look at the best parts of life. Carl is like my little brother and I would consider him one of my closet friends, he teaches me to have fun all the time, no matter the consequences. Liam is also like my little brother, he teaches me, even though he is a baby, to smile and laugh no matter the circumstances. And Mickey, what do I even say, he teaches me protect myself but also to be sensitive to only the people that need to see it. I can't imagine a better place for me to be, they constantly challenge me to do my best and be a better person. And I'm not saying Troy and Mrs. Aubrey are bad people because they aren't, quite the opposite actually. It's just these people are my family, they have loved me and cared for me unconditionally for 10 years. Kev and Vee will always be my parents, no one can live up to that, I hope you understand that your honor."

Looking behind her, she saw small smiles gracing everyone's lips and tears in her parents as well as Fiona's eyes. She kept looking down the isle and met eyes the boy who holds her heart in the palm of his hand, he offered her a soft smile and a small nod of his head, signaling her it would be okay.

"I do, Mrs. Anderson, I do. I'm so thrilled that you ended up with the family you did because the system is messed up and due to that I need to know about the sibling you forgot to mention."

"Oh? Um," Rosalie paused while her cheeks turned a little red color and she awkwardly laughs but not daring to look at the beautiful boy in question, "Lip teaches me how to love your honor."

"I figured as much. I have come to my verdict, Mrs. Rosalie Anderson is to stay in the care of Mr. Ball and Mrs. Fisher, her adoption will also be carried through. Thank you for your time. You are dismissed."

Cheers erupted in the court room and the next thing, Rosalie knew she was being surrounded in a big hug by the people she calls family. Smiles and tears where being passed around like water.

Then she knew, Everything will be okay in the end.

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