2~ Meetup at the World Tree

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Pina stretched, letting out a huff before pawing at Silica's face in an attempt to wake her up.

"Ugh... Pina? What is it?" Silica sat up and rubbed her eyes, ears twitching to adjust to the noise level of the building. "You hungry?"

Pina jumped around on the bed happily and ran into the door, hard but not hard enough to hurt. Silica giggled, amused at the dragon's enthusiastic attitude.

She changed and opened the door, letting them out into the hall and down the stairs. She figured that Asuna, and the others would already be downstairs and having breakfast due to the fact she woke up relatively late.

At the bottom of the stairs, she was me with polished oak tables and floating candles that glowed like the morning sun. Her friends sat around a table, eating breakfast to their hearts' content.

"Morning everyone!"

"Good morning Silica-san! Come have a seat! We have breakfast ready for you!"

Silica smiled as Asuna brought a plate up onto the table, revealing her iconic sandwiches. "Eat up!"

Pina let out a happy sound and blew a small bubble before diving into her own food, wallowing in the taste.

"Alright guys, when you've finished, get ready to go to the World Tree. We leave at nine." Kirito patted Klein, who was looking excited and ready to go.

"Yeah! Let's hope there are some nice girls out ther-"

Lisbeth hit Klein on the head with her hand. "Hmph! That's not going to happen. Our mission is to ascend the World Tree, not for you to be some girl magnet! We're trying to arrive at Yggdrasil and meet Oberon to be able to turn into Alfs!" She turned away, mad, but playful.

Just as Kirito was about to take the last bite of his sandwich, Leafa snatched it away and ate it herself.

"Hey! Leafa! Don't do that!"

"Sorry Onee-san! It's too late now!"

Kirito groaned. "Anyways, I'm going to head up and grab my weapons and equipment, we'll meet down here in ten."

"Alright!" Yui fluttered onto Asuna's shoulder. "I'll help mama pack her things then!"

Kirito nodded and headed up to his room. He grabbed Elucidator and Dark Repulsor, strapping their sheaths onto his back. After a long moment of deciding, he grabbed Excaliber and strapped it to his belt, meaning he would be able to use it on his journey.

Sinon shot another arrow onto the target and sat down. "Ek skýt aftur ör," She muttered under her breath. Dragging the arrow back, she placed her bow down and adjusted her sheath of arrows.

Asuna had cast a spell on her sheath so that it would hold more arrows, roughly holding around two hundred. It was more than enough, but just in case, she always had a second set of two hundred.

Yui floated around, grabbing things to put into the food bag. Meanwhile, Asuna was sharpening her rapier to make damage easier. There were going to be bosses that would challenge them as soon as they'd reach the World Tree's first level, so they'd have to be prepared.

The silver blade gleamed in the light, catching onto little specks of dust.

"It's like the calm before a storm, isn't it?"

Yui settled on the desk in front of Asuna. "It sure is... I feel like something bad is going to happen today..."

Asuna closed her eyes. "Yeah... I hope it's going to be ok..."

"Alright! We all ready?" Klein yelled enthusiastically, causing several others around the group to stare. He turned red and closed his mouth.

Leafa nodded, petting Pina on the head. "We're ready! Should I call Tonkii over so we can get there without flying ourselves?"

Kirito considered it for a moment before answering, "No, not right now. Call Tonkii after we're a little bit further from Swilvane, it's safer that way." Leafa nodded.

Sinon opened the door and stepped out into the street, the others following close behind. The air was clean, crisp, and cool with a hint of mint that had been carried over from the mint fields not too far away.

The walk didn't take that long, roughly ten minutes of walking was all it took.

Leafa whistled, "Tonkii! C'mere!"

There was a small silence before a large white animal drifted to a stop in front of them. "Hop on!" Leafa clambered onto Tonkii's back and helped Sinon up who then pulled Asuna up and so on. Klein was the last to clamber aboard and when he did, Tonkii shot off towards the base of the World Tree.

When they dismounted, Tonkii waves goodbye and left, presumably to search for food.

The door was ornate, decorated with slivers of gold and silver and coated with a layer of metal. Kirito's hand reached for the knob slowly, his fingers stretching out to make contact with it.

Suddenly, there was a green light and Kirito was knocked backwards. There was a loud bang, like an explosion and wall of ice sealed Kirito's friends in a cage. "Guys! Are you alri-!"

He was shut up with a kick to the stomach. Not hard enough to do a lot of damage, but still hard enough to hurt. Kirito coughed, staggering back to defend against the attackers.


One person stepped forth and Kirito saw, yet again the green hair. "What do you want?"

A hood was pulled off and it revealed a boy; he had green hair, green eyes, and freckles. "What do I want? I should ask that to you! You guys are putting our school in danger!" He turned to the rest of the hooded figures. "You may lower your hoods."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Kacchan. I'm leading the class today. So shut it."

Asuna hit at the cage with her rapier, only to find that she couldn't break through.

"Ah, ah, ah! Don't try break it or else!"

Sinon drew her bowstring back and readied her arrow. "Ek skýt aftur ör." She narrowed her eyes. "Tell me who you are, or I shoot that brown-haired girl."

The green-haired boy spoke again, agonisingly slow. "Hello. We are U. A's top students, Class 1-A. I'm Midoriya Izuku. This is Bakugou Katsuki, or Kacchan, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochaco (the one you are about to shoot), Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyoka, Kirishima Ejirou, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Sero Hanta, Mashirao Ojirou, Kaminari Denki, Aoyama Yuga, Koda Kouji, Ashido Mina, Hagakure Tooru, Shouji Mezo, Sato Rikidou and Tokoyami Fumikage. We used to also have Mineta Minoru, but we kicked him for being a pervert."

Leafa blinked and slowly looked towards Kirito who looked just as confused.

"Well... In that case... I'm Kirito, that's Asuna, Leafa, Klein, Yui, Sinon, Silica, Pina and Lisbeth."

Midoriya narrowed his eyes. "What are your intentions? You come into Swilvane unannounced. Explain yourselves."

Yui slipped through the bars of the cage and landed on Kirito's shoulder. "What our intentions are is none of your business. Leave us alone. If we were going to attack you, then we would've wreaked havoc in Swilvane already. Leave us alone."

Bakugou stepped forwards, annoyed. "If that's how it's going to be. Just saying, we're doing this to protect our school. We won't stop until you imposters are defeated."

And with that, three explosions were set off, ice covered the ground, green electricity sparked around the area and acid shot out from behind the mist the ice had created.

"Yui, get the others out of the cage. I'm going to need help." Yui nodded and went to unlock the cage.

"Ek verpa einn brandr muspilli, kalla bresta bani, steypa lundr drótt." Fireballs launched at the cage, immediately melting it.

Leafa, Klein and Silica ran to help Kirito while Asuna, Lisbeth and Sinon stayed behind for long distance attacks and spells.

"Sinon, Lisbeth. This is going to be a long fight. I can feel it. But we won't give up, ever. Not until the day we die."

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