Ch. 6 Calm to Stormy

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All I could see was blue. Just blue. Solid sky blue, to be precise.

I felt a warm breeze blow over me as I lay on my back as Ugauc flew through the sky. We were soaring above the clouds, hence why all I could see was blue. The sun was high above us, warming our bodies.

How are you feeling, (Y/N)? Ugauc asked. It was the first time he had spoken all day; which I found to be very out of character.

I brought myself back to the actual world as he spoke to me. I'm all right now. I replied. I had woken up feeling homesick after dreaming about being with my family again.

Ugauc hummed in response. It had been a few days since we had mated, and I could feel the difference in the strength of our bond already. His emotions were usually easy enough for me to assess, but today he was keeping them hidden from me, and what I could feel seemed to be worry or fear of some sort.

I sat up on Ugauc's back, seeing the expanse of fluffy clouds beneath us, each one looking like waves on the sea as we flew past them.

Why are you hiding your thoughts from me, Ugauc? I asked.

Ugauc hesitated, thinking of the best response. I—I'll tell you when I need to.

I frowned. Ugauc? What is it?

It's nothing you need to worry about, little elfling. Ugauc said, blocking his worries again. I will tell you when I need to, I promise.

I wasn't completely satisfied with his response, but I nodded. All right then, if you say so.

We stayed silent for a while as we continued to pass over the sea of white.

I think we should land soon, little elfling, Ugauc said. Up ahead I could see a split in the clouds, and I could see something sparkling below the clouds. There's a lake nearby, we could wash ourselves off there?

Thoughts of being clean filled my head. I had never felt so dirty in all my life! Some other erotic thoughts ran through my head as well.

Sounds good. I responded, pushing aside my thoughts. I heard Ugauc chuckled, and I smiled, embarrassed.

Ugauc descended slowly below the clouds, water droplets brushing against his scales and my skin, many of which stayed on us.

As Ugauc descended, the lake came into view. The sparkling I had seen was the waves of the water reflecting the sun. Off in the distance, I could make out several large rocky hills in almost two straight lines, making up a canyon. All around us was green with forest; I had yet to get used to seeing this new colour constantly.

Ugauc continued his slow descent, landing on the opposite side of the lake as the rocky hills. I braced myself for one of Ugauc's rough landings, but this time he softened the landing immensely. I opened my eyes, surprised I hadn't fallen from Ugauc's back again.

Ugauc turned his head around to look at me. You all right?

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I slid off his back, dragging my rucksack and bison hide with me and dropping them on the ground.

I stretched my entire body upward. As my bones cracked and popped, I heard Ugauc's heavy feet go thump, thump, thump. I turned my head around as he jumped into the lake, sending an enormous wave to splash me and the grass.

"Hey!" I yelped in surprise as the cool water hit my skin, but the water submerged Ugauc, unable to hear me.

A flash of light came from beneath the water surface, and Ugauc rose to the surface in his humanoid form. "Come on in, little elfling, the water's great."

Hunter To Lover (MxM)(Male Dragon Shifter X Male Elf/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now