Ch. 3 Secret to Not-So-Secret

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N/T: New Trade (Blacksmithing, carpentry, writing, sculpting, etc.)

"Who is that?!" Ugauc and Eda exclaimed in unison.

I froze, glancing from one to the other.

Eda scowled and placed her hand on the hilt of the sword she carried. "Get away from us!" she warned, removing the blade from its scabbard and stepping in front of me.

Ugauc's lips lifted as he growled, sharp canines flashing. He flexed his fingers, revealing long, sharp, curled, retractable claws from beneath his own long nails. He looked from me to Eda, unsure of what to do.

"Eda! Wait! Please," I pleaded, stepping in front of her.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?!" Eda hissed.

I stood firmly between her and Ugauc; I couldn't let them hurt each other.

I gave Ugauc a small smile and his stance slowly loosened, but he didn't take his eyes off of Eda or retract his claws.

I looked at Eda; she was still gripping onto her sword. "Ugauc won't do anything, I promise. Please, put down your sword, Eda," I begged.

Eda looked from me to Ugauc. "If I do, you need to explain everything."

"I will, I promise." I glanced at her hand. "Please, just put it down and give it to me." I held my hand out to receive the sword.

Eda looked away and drew in a breath. She put her sword back in its scabbard and slowly removed it. She looked to Ugauc as she held the scabbard between both her hands. "You better not try anything," she warned. Ugauc didn't respond. Eda finally placed the sword in my hand.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling relieved she had handed it over. I took a step away from them both.

"Ugauc, this is my sister Eda." I gestured to her. Ugauc inclined his head. "Eda, this is—" I caught myself, unsure what to tell her. "This is my soulmate, Ugauc." I gestured to him this time. He smiled.

I looked to Eda as a wave of emotions contorted her face. Surprise, confusion, anger and fear were some I saw.

She stayed quiet for a long time, trying to hide her emotions as much as possible.

I backed up towards Ugauc, perhaps out of fear. He moved towards me and put an arm and wing around me.

"How are you so sure?" She asked.

I explained to Eda about the 'invisible bond' that led Ugauc here, how we met and our secret meetings—which happened to just spill out of my mouth.

Eda sat down on the bed of animal hides. She sighed and put her head in her hands.

"This... explains a lot, like where you were during the hunt and why you didn't come home, why you haven't been focused on (N/T), and why you disappear for so long every day." She sighed again.

The wind howled outside. I sat down beside her and shared the bison hide on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but Ugauc really cares about me." I held his hand as he stood beside us, stroking his rough palm with my thumb. "And I really care about him."

Eda smiled softly and tugged on the bison blanket. "I won't tell anyone, I promise, but people are noticing your disappearances. And soulmates are such a huge thing among our people. You're going to need to tell Mama and Papa soon before they push you to find someone you've already found."

"That's not going to be for years. But if I do that..." I started. Ugauc placed his hand on my shoulder.

"How about we just survive this snowstorm first, and think about that later," he suggested. I smiled softly and nodded.

Hunter To Lover (MxM)(Male Dragon Shifter X Male Elf/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now