Ch. 5 Separate to Bound

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H/C = Hair Colour

Wind blew through my hair as I soared above the tall snow-capped mountains south of my home region. The cold nipped at my face as I tugged on the makeshift sleeves of my bison hide; the one blanket I could cut to fit into my rucksack.

Ugauc's wings beat in a continuous pattern as he flew through clouds, water droplets getting caught in my long (H/C) hair. An orange-pink sky and fluffy clouds surrounded us, but the clouds were nowhere near as warm as I had imaged them. It was our third day travelling in the skies, and I had yet to get used to the cold and damp of the clouds and skies.

Ugauc was dusted all over with water droplets. On every single scale clung dozens of tiny droplets, each one shifting as he beat his wings.

Do you want to stop soon? Ugauc asked, gently gliding out of the clouds and down to the lower half of the mountain caps.

I nodded. Please, do.

As soon as we left the clouds, I noticed a warm shift in the temperature; finally we were almost out of snow territory. I peered over Ugauc's shoulder and the rest of the hide under me, down at the ground far below us. There was still a blanket of snow and a large coniferous forest on the mountain's ridges and below us, but not very far ahead. The snow was giving way to lush vegetation and deciduous trees which were just budding.

I had never seen this much green before. My awe must have flown through Ugauc also, as I heard him chuckle.

It has been a long time since I've seen this much lushness. He mused. Though I can't see it in the same shade as you can.

I smiled. "It's amazing," I breathed.

Ugauc slowly descended towards the lush greenery at the base of the farthest mountain. As he swept over the trees, birds screeched and cawed, unimpressed that such a large predator should disturb their quiet spring evening and toss their branches around.

I gripped onto Ugauc's lowest neck spike as he slowed down and hovered in a clearing for a landing. He landed with a heavy thud, almost throwing me off—again. Ugauc looked back at me as I lurched forward.

Sorry. I'm still getting used to carrying a passenger, Ugauc said. He lowered himself down, and I slid off, keeping the bison hide on me; it still wasn't that warm.

"It's fine," I responded, looking around at the green trees; I couldn't get over the colours I was seeing. They were so vibrant compared to the dull greys, brown and white of where I grew up.

"It's so different to the snow," I said, crouching on the ground and feeling the grass beneath me. It was soft, and it tickled the palm of my hand.

I heard Ugauc shift and search for his trousers in my bag. I took a cheeky glace at him as he searched. He must have sensed I was looking at him as he looked over his shoulder. I swiftly whipped my head back around.

"Like what you see, little elfling?" Ugauc teased, standing up, still nude.

I stood up, flustered. "How could I not?" I quipped quietly. I caught another glance of him before looking away and holding my hand to my face to block my peripheral vision.

Ugauc laughed and came up behind me. "What was that?" he teased further, removing the bison hide from my back and wrapping his arms around me. My cheeks flushed bright red as a felt something press against my butt.

"Ugauc!" I chided. "Get some clothes on!"

Ugauc kissed my temple. "Alright, I'll get dressed." He chuckled and walked back over to the bag. I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder again at his bare body as he got dressed.

Hunter To Lover (MxM)(Male Dragon Shifter X Male Elf/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now